I have just purchased an eyetv for my family's imac. I have been trying to set it up but it refuses to play any chanells. If you could explain how to do this it would be most appreciated.
When you have everything set up properly, ie: tuner connected to iMac/aerial connected to tuner/software installed ..
Then next step, once you have entered your serial code, is to scan for channels. EyeTV does this in two ways, an exhaustive scan or a quick scan.
As the scan is underway, you will notice that as a channel is detected, there will be an indication of this below the scan bar. The more channels detected, the higher this number gets.
Now, at this stage the detection of channels means very little. You also need to be able to have the signal decoded/recoded whatever, into images on your screen.
The acid test is when the scan is complete and it is then you're going to find out if you need to do a Mr. Bean
(you needed to have seen the episode where he is trying to improve his tv reception to get this) or if things are
Hunky Dory!
If you have good reception, EyeTV will display the channel it's set on as soon as it's done scanning. Otherwise you might be faced with a blue screen (not unlike the M$ bsod) with some text on it ....
"Channel Currently Unavailable" or
"No Signal".
This isn't a death knell but just part of the
fun ...
I have to move the little antenna all around my room until I get really good reception and even receive all the available channels here. You may be lucky enough to have your EyeTV tuner hooked up to an outdoor aerial or you may not. I have a 6' bamboo pole and I attach the little aerial to the top of it and add another USB cable to the loop before I can start to find the
"Sweet Spot" in my room when that blue screen is replaced by the streaming audio/images.
I recently had a whole lot of trouble with my EyeTV usb device and the next 3 replacements the AppleStore gave me in my troubleshooting spree. It turned out that the USB 2.0 ports in my iMac were faulty enough to not allow EyeTV to function properly but also continued to power my digital camera/keyboard -mouse/printer/iPod etc etc ...
Hope this helps and feel free to ask any more questions you might have.:dive: