I have always been interested, in fact fascinated by computers. But i everything i know about them is self taught (a lot of bad lessons too) or help from friends or boards like this.
I bought my first ever laptop 4 years ago. A compaq with vista. I do not use a computer for much other than, Email, surfing the web and downloading music and burning discs for DJing with.
Not long after i bought my laptop i came back to my flat in Thailand wasted. I went on the laptop and thought i was Bill Gates. To this day i do not remeber what i did but it never ran well from that day. I gave it to my mate who is a wizz kid with computers. He normally take half a day to fix any problem with computers. It took him TWO DAYS to fix mine. I asked him to start from scratch as i had saved all my photos and music onto an external.
He told me in the 20 years he has been working on computers mine was the hardest to fix. It was a combination of me, trojan horses and viruses.
I was obviously well aware of Apple computers but knew very little about them. I needed a new phone last oct so after years of Sony phones i bought the 3GS. I thought it was going to be very hard to use.
How wrong was i???????????? I was and still am amazed by it. Unfortunately 3G is not wide spread in Thailand yet, only places like Bangkok have it so i dont get full use of it
My old laptop still did it’s job, so i could not really justify buying a new laptop. Then my girlfriend said my step daughter would like a laptop last nov.
I said no problem. Stood up, put my old laptop in my car, dropped it off at my computer mate and told him it was for my step daughter could he wipe it clean and install windows 7 and any other things a 15 year old Thai girl would need.
I got back in my car and went to the local Apple store and bought a MBP with snow leopard with 250 GB HD, a 320 GB external and came home.
I was really nervous about using it at first. This board was the first port of call when i came online with it, so this board and the web blog TUAW have helped me with the very few problems i have had.
I use a crappy 2g Dongle for my internet connection so that slows the Mac down, i will be moving house soon so that is why i do not have a proper internet connection at home.
I am not a techie guy like most of you, i wish i was, may be one day i wil go on a course and learn a lot more.
The only program i bought for it was Microsoft office 2008. I need that for work.
The best was i can explain my mac is.................It just works, it’s as simple as that.
I have had zero problems with it, i love it.
I am also very careful about what i do on it. I use Onyx to do a weekly clean up. Before i did that for the first time i spent about 2 hours on google checking up other sites opinion of Onyx and what to click and not to click.
My set up is very simple. I have about 6 items in the dock. I have it hidden on the left hand side of the monitor and get on fine like that.
I love reading this board and TUAW for info, and i wil admit 60% of what you guys talk about goes over my head haha.
My next purchase is the magic mouse and Mobile me.............
So that’s my short but very happy experience with Apple. I will not be going back to PC ever or using any other make of phone.