Greetings to all... I just purchased a used (3 months old) iBook G3 900MHz, and got a really great deal on it. (I traded a desktop PC + $100 in cash) and received the iBook, all the software, manuals, cables, carrying case, etc. One of my co-workers who just moved into a new apartment, was short on cash, and needed a desktop PC in order to take work home offered me a deal to trade the laptop if I were to build her a new desktop PC. How could I refuse such a good deal. (I build PCs for a hobby, and had plenty of parts on hand.)
Anyway, to my question... Included in all of the manuals and software that came with the iBook are some green "Software Coupons", and I have no clue as to what they are used for. Printed on them, hey say that to get Mac OS updates and other special offers from Apple, I will need the coupons as proof of purchase on the OS Software that came with the iBook.
Now, what exactly are they for, and how do I use them? Is this something that is offered at Apple's web site, or perhaps at an Apple store?
I'm really at a loss, since this is my first "real" Mac. (I do have an old Performa 630CD in the basement that I purchased from another co-worker about 3 years ago for $50, but truthfully, I never really hooked it up or used it... it's still sitting in the basement, fully functional, but unused... I've always been a "PC" person, and bought the other Mac thinking I would tinker with it... I haven't used Macs in any real capacity since OS 7.2.5, on one of my earlier jobs in a Printing Company...)
If anyone can offer me a little insight, any helpful info is GREATLY appreciated.
Anyway, to my question... Included in all of the manuals and software that came with the iBook are some green "Software Coupons", and I have no clue as to what they are used for. Printed on them, hey say that to get Mac OS updates and other special offers from Apple, I will need the coupons as proof of purchase on the OS Software that came with the iBook.
Now, what exactly are they for, and how do I use them? Is this something that is offered at Apple's web site, or perhaps at an Apple store?
I'm really at a loss, since this is my first "real" Mac. (I do have an old Performa 630CD in the basement that I purchased from another co-worker about 3 years ago for $50, but truthfully, I never really hooked it up or used it... it's still sitting in the basement, fully functional, but unused... I've always been a "PC" person, and bought the other Mac thinking I would tinker with it... I haven't used Macs in any real capacity since OS 7.2.5, on one of my earlier jobs in a Printing Company...)
If anyone can offer me a little insight, any helpful info is GREATLY appreciated.