13" Macbook running Snow Leopard bought off craigslist about a month ago. It made a loud whirring noise, started acting weirdly and we pushed the power button to turn it off. Upon restarting all we got is the blue/grey screen.
I've tried every startup key combination to no avail.
Using a PC and an old mac I formatted an external HD according to these instructions: Install Snow Leopard from External Firewire or USB Hard Drive, or How to Upgrade to 10.6 Without a DVD Drive - OS X Daily and holding down the option key I DO see the external HD but when I click on the little arrow underneath it nothing happens.
Two questions:
1: When I hold down option on startup I ONLY see the external HD plugged into the laptop and nothing else. Would I normally also see the internal HD? Does this suggest that the laptop's HD is dead, or the connection to the HD is perhaps dead?
2: If I formatted the external HD incorrectly and it's not bootable would it still show up when I start up with the "option" key pressed? Or does it suggest that it is indeed bootable - the fact that it shows up in the "option" list?
Thanks very much.
13" Macbook running Snow Leopard bought off craigslist about a month ago. It made a loud whirring noise, started acting weirdly and we pushed the power button to turn it off. Upon restarting all we got is the blue/grey screen.
I've tried every startup key combination to no avail.
Using a PC and an old mac I formatted an external HD according to these instructions: Install Snow Leopard from External Firewire or USB Hard Drive, or How to Upgrade to 10.6 Without a DVD Drive - OS X Daily and holding down the option key I DO see the external HD but when I click on the little arrow underneath it nothing happens.
Two questions:
1: When I hold down option on startup I ONLY see the external HD plugged into the laptop and nothing else. Would I normally also see the internal HD? Does this suggest that the laptop's HD is dead, or the connection to the HD is perhaps dead?
2: If I formatted the external HD incorrectly and it's not bootable would it still show up when I start up with the "option" key pressed? Or does it suggest that it is indeed bootable - the fact that it shows up in the "option" list?
Thanks very much.