Having Problems. Pls help.

May 3, 2007
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I was using a couple programs to help improve my intel macbook's performance: TrimTheFat, Monolingual, Singular. After using them, I've noticed many problems with my computer. For example, my custom finder icons are all missing. At first I could not see any fonts in one specific flash game (I haven't tried any other so for all I know they're all messed up), and after a restart, i was told I don't have the plugin which adobe is not letting me download. I'm really worried it is going to get worse. Any help please?
Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA / Stanford, CA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook, Black, 2.0GHz C2D, 2GB RAMs, 160GB HD
I am not familiar with TrimTheFat or Singular.

I know Monolingual is cool program to clean up some of the unwanted Languages on ur Mac, which I heard saved up to 3 gigs some folks around here. That being said, I can ventrue to say that you might have clicked a button or 2 too many and deleted some of the stuff that you need in the process thats why your MacBook is freaking out on u :D

I am not 100% sure of the best resolution but I think there is away, you can restore the lost info from the Mac OS X CDs, only if you remember exactly what you pressed on to be deleted.

Cheers, hope that helped a bit...
Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
I was using a couple programs to help improve my intel macbook's performance: TrimTheFat, Monolingual, Singular. After using them, I've noticed many problems with my computer. For example, my custom finder icons are all missing. At first I could not see any fonts in one specific flash game (I haven't tried any other so for all I know they're all messed up), and after a restart, i was told I don't have the plugin which adobe is not letting me download. I'm really worried it is going to get worse. Any help please?

These applications seem to cleaned up quite well. Probably a little bit too good. I would just try to restore the files: Reinstall fonts for instance.

Which adobe plugin are you missing/trying to download?

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