Allow me to explain my problem :
My powerbook (G4 , 1.5 GHz, Mac OS X 10.4.8) started to fall asleep at random moments. At first just once or twice a week, but after a while, it started to occur every day.
Sometimes it would take 8-10 hours, sometimes he fell asleep 5 times in less than a minute.
I checked my system logs, and I found out that he fell asleep due to an overtemp error, and therefor he went to sleep to avoid hardware damage..
Now, I installed temperature monitor to see which sensor was causing the overtemp error, because the problem sometimes occured when I just booted him, and he was icecold.
From the moment I startup my powerbook the trackpad temperature is about 250°Celcius , of course this is impossible, so => I feared a Hardware problem.
I did the apple hardware test, and when he was examining the motherbord , I got the errorcode :
This was one of those moments you just hoped you were wrong..
So I have knowledge of my problem now => the solution.
I check with my apple reseller IT-Pro (Ghent Belgium) and since I already own my powerbook for about 1 year and 9 months, warranty was not an option.
All the expences would be mine, and in this same weekend the motherbord of my desktop burned down (condensator near RAM that failed) I don't quite have the spare cash to get my powerbook fixed.
So right now I'm running Edgy Eft on my powerbook (Ubuntu) , but as you might know, flash and many other functions that work under x86 linux do not work on a PowerPC, and I got addicted to mac in the past two years.. So I want Mac OS X back..
Now I'm an informatics student at the Ghent University, Belgium, so I know a few things about computers, but to fix this problem , if I'm not mistaken , I need to download the Mach and or Xun kernel, find the code where he reads the trackpad temp, or find the code where he puts mac os x and the powerbook to sleep on an overtemp, change this, compile my kernel, reboot in open firmware, select my own compiled kernel, and boot with this one...
This however, is something I've never done with Mac os X, So I was hoping a genuine mac/unix freak could help me out with this one, and post here which kernel I should use/edit, and how to compile it (I assume it's C/C++ , I'm a programmer so I do know the basics on most languages) , and how to select this one to boot from..
Thanks in anticipation..
My powerbook (G4 , 1.5 GHz, Mac OS X 10.4.8) started to fall asleep at random moments. At first just once or twice a week, but after a while, it started to occur every day.
Sometimes it would take 8-10 hours, sometimes he fell asleep 5 times in less than a minute.
I checked my system logs, and I found out that he fell asleep due to an overtemp error, and therefor he went to sleep to avoid hardware damage..
Now, I installed temperature monitor to see which sensor was causing the overtemp error, because the problem sometimes occured when I just booted him, and he was icecold.
From the moment I startup my powerbook the trackpad temperature is about 250°Celcius , of course this is impossible, so => I feared a Hardware problem.
I did the apple hardware test, and when he was examining the motherbord , I got the errorcode :
This was one of those moments you just hoped you were wrong..
So I have knowledge of my problem now => the solution.
I check with my apple reseller IT-Pro (Ghent Belgium) and since I already own my powerbook for about 1 year and 9 months, warranty was not an option.
All the expences would be mine, and in this same weekend the motherbord of my desktop burned down (condensator near RAM that failed) I don't quite have the spare cash to get my powerbook fixed.
So right now I'm running Edgy Eft on my powerbook (Ubuntu) , but as you might know, flash and many other functions that work under x86 linux do not work on a PowerPC, and I got addicted to mac in the past two years.. So I want Mac OS X back..
Now I'm an informatics student at the Ghent University, Belgium, so I know a few things about computers, but to fix this problem , if I'm not mistaken , I need to download the Mach and or Xun kernel, find the code where he reads the trackpad temp, or find the code where he puts mac os x and the powerbook to sleep on an overtemp, change this, compile my kernel, reboot in open firmware, select my own compiled kernel, and boot with this one...
This however, is something I've never done with Mac os X, So I was hoping a genuine mac/unix freak could help me out with this one, and post here which kernel I should use/edit, and how to compile it (I assume it's C/C++ , I'm a programmer so I do know the basics on most languages) , and how to select this one to boot from..
Thanks in anticipation..