Great Price on eMac !



Just got my new eMac from MacConnection. They have a special deal going with Apple.

They are offering the Superdrive model for $849 ! This is $250 dollars less than the $1094 offered by all other vendors. This is a new unit with OS 10.3. You have to call their 800-800-2222 number to get this deal.
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Coruscant, Galactic Republic
Your Mac's Specs
14" iBook G3 900/640/40 _ _ Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One 315/768/20 _ _ 20 GB iPod
bar01 said:
Just got my new eMac from MacConnection. They have a special deal going with Apple.

They are offering the Superdrive model for $849 ! This is $250 dollars less than the $1094 offered by all other vendors. This is a new unit with OS 10.3. You have to call their 800-800-2222 number to get this deal.

We appreciate the heads-up, but am I the only one who thinks this sounds suspiciously like an ad? I don't intend any offense - just curious, as ads aren't permited in the forums.

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