G3 Powerbook stuck at trying to boot CD



G3 Powerbook will not stop trying to boot from CD/Floppy. How do I get it to realize that there's nothing there and to boot to the HD?

Forgive me...I'm new to all of this.

Unfortunately for now, this POS is running 8.5.1!!!

Thank you


booting issues

lt1derful said:
G3 Powerbook will not stop trying to boot from CD/Floppy. How do I get it to realize that there's nothing there and to boot to the HD?

Forgive me...I'm new to all of this.

Unfortunately for now, this POS is running 8.5.1!!!

Thank you

try powering the unit on while you hold the apple key and the "X" key and then pick the hd icon and pick the foward arrow.

hope this helps

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