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FS: Dual Proc. 450mhz PowerMac



I have a dual processor powermac here in unbelieveable condition. i'm pretty sure it doesn't have a scratch on it, and the inside is completely free of any dust. very well taken care of and cleaned.

dual g4 450
128mb sdram
30gb hard drive

everything else is pretty well stock. i don't have the original system software, so you'll be receiving the bare tower along with a black microsoft usb keyboard.

i'll ship anywhere in the U.S via fedex ground...for the cost go to fedex.com and the source zip code is 45212. the weight of the package is 42lbs, dimensions are something like 20x22x18 (estimate)

i'll personally deliver anywhere in the Cincinnati and South Dayton, Ohio area.

email: sickmia AT uc.edu
aim: adamsickmiller

oh yeah, $625 OBO


progmac said:
I have a dual processor powermac here in unbelieveable condition. i'm pretty sure it doesn't have a scratch on it, and the inside is completely free of any dust. very well taken care of and cleaned.

dual g4 450
128mb sdram
30gb hard drive

everything else is pretty well stock. i don't have the original system software, so you'll be receiving the bare tower along with a black microsoft usb keyboard.

i'll ship anywhere in the U.S via fedex ground...for the cost go to fedex.com and the source zip code is 45212. the weight of the package is 42lbs, dimensions are something like 20x22x18 (estimate)

i'll personally deliver anywhere in the Cincinnati and South Dayton, Ohio area.

email: sickmia AT uc.edu
aim: adamsickmiller

oh yeah, $625 OBO

.dont get your hopes up but i might be interested in this computer.a few questions.what is the media drive filled with CDRW DVD CD.what type of video card is in it. and lastly what is the max speed on the motherboard for the video card 4x or 8x?

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