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FS: 15.2" 1GHz Powerbook G4 - 10GB Ipod - Printer



SOLD: 15.2" 1GHz Powerbook G4 - 10GB Ipod - Printer

SOLD - edited 9.29.03
At this point I can only sell all three items together as a bundle.
I've had these items for less than a month so all are still under their original warranties. I bought them through education discount on apple.com, but can't afford to keep them because of tuition increases. Everything comes with original packaging, software and paperwork, I also have original reciepts for proof of purchase.
1GHz Powerbook G4
40GB Hard Drive
5 Hour Battery
OS X (10.2.2 - Jaguar)
Airport card (wireless network card, works well with ou's wireless access locations)
USB, Firewire, Ethernet, Internal Modem, DVI, S-Video, and audio in ports
edu price: $2299
retail: $2599
Perfect condition, no dead pixels, no scratches, scuffs or scrapes. The plastic lcd protector placed on screen by manufacturer has not been removed yet.
(my dog chewed on the male end of the power supply cord, but this is cosmetic damage only and I promise that this does not hinder the function of power supply to the powerbook)
10GB Ipod
Newest design, third generation (3G) up to 2500 songs
edu price:$269
retail: $299
(the right earbud has fallen off, I am working on getting that replaced by apple, because it is still under warranty)
HP 5150 Deskjet Printer
edu and retail: $99
(I have printed exactly 2 text pages and 2 draft photos off of this printer)

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