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FS: 1.5Ghz g4 Powerbook w/ tons of extras

Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, I'm finally parting with my baby, my first Apple computer. This laptop is in pristine condition. If it wasn't on my desktop, it was in my Timbuk2 padded laptop messenger bag. This thing has been spoiled rotten.

Here are the some of the technical specs:
-1.5 Ghz PowerPC G4 with Velocity Engine Processor
-512K SRAM on-chip L2 Cache
-1 GB of PC2700 DDR SDRAM (333MHz) (2x512)
-ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 w/128 MB of DDR SDRAM
-80GB 5400 Ultra ATA/100 HDD
-SuperDrive (DVD-R/CD-RW) (writes DVD-R discs at up to 4x speed, reads DVDs at up to 8x speed, writes CD-R discs at up to 16x speed, writes CD-RW discs at up to 8x speed, reads CDs at up to 24x speed)
-Built-in 10/100/1000BASE-T (gagibit) ethernet
-Built-in 54-Mbps Airport Extreeme; built-in Bluetooth
-Built-in 56K V.92 modem
-Full size illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor
-s-video to composite adapter, DVI to VGA adapter
-ac wall plug and power cord
-15.2-inch TFT display @ 1280 x 854 pixel resolution

Programs it will come with installed:
-OSX 10.4 Tiger installed (But will come with the original install discs containing 10.3 Panther)
-iLife '06 installed (but no discs)
(iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband, iDVD, iWeb)
-Adobe cs2

Items I am throwing in with the computer for you:
-Logitech Cordless mouse (umm I forget which mouse it is, but it's basically an older version of the V200 that's available right now) (was worth $50 when I bought it like a year ago)
-Wireless Apple bluetooth keyboard (I probably only used this thing for a week at most. I thought it would come in handy, but by the time I bought it, I was so used to the laptop keyboard that going back to a normal keyboard was hard...it's virtually brand new. It might even still have the original batteries in it. lol)
-I'll also include a 80 GB HDD (this is a full size internal HDD. I used it with an external HDD enclosure for added backup storage for my laptop. They generally go for around $40-50...the external HDD enclosures that is)
-The computer also has the Marware protection pack on it, to protect the computer from any scratches, etc. It's hard to explain. Just check out
for more information what I'm talking about.
-Also a pair of Panasonic headphones. They're soft and comfy, perfect for music and gaming. No Mic though, but there is no need since the computer has a built in mic anyway
-I'll also throw in my airport express w/airtunes as well.

Contact me for more information and pictures. Please, serious inquiries only. I am asking $1500 because of the condition of the product, as well as the included items listed above.

You can either call me, or e-mail me. Either way works for me. If I don't pick up, leave me a message and I'll call you back either when I get out of class, or as soon as I get the message. (I'm good at calling people back quickly)

e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 206-288-9272

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