Forward Delete



On my G3 desktop I had both a forward delete as well as a backward delete. I used the forward delete a lot. Is there any way to program say the F11 key on my G3 iBook to function as a forward delete?
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
Hmm.. Im not sure actually.. it's a good question.. anyone?

I do know that with BBEdit you can just hit the delete key or hit the shift delete keys to forward delete. I thought it was program specific, but if there is a universal command.. I'd love to hear it!


I'd like to know too. And if anyone knows about universal bg up/down and home/end that would be cool. Those Command + arrow or alt + arrow combinations are more or less program specific and don't seem to work in X11.


I wouldn't call terrific banging my head against wall for over a month with problem that any self respecting Linux user (like myself) should have solved in two minutes forum search. Anyway, nice to have it solved finally.
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
Sweet! Thanks shadov! :)


I found this:

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 20:15:05 -0400
From: Lofty Becker
Subject: How to modify OS X keyboard mappings

I see that someone asked how to modify OS X keyboard mappings. For a long time my inability to do this (I learned to type on a Selectric keyboard, and hate it when shift-period produces > instead of a period) was one thing that kept me from going to OS X full time.

I finally figured out how to do it. A little tedious, but it seems to work like a charm.

1. Locate the file
System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/ Resources/English.lproj/Localized.rsrc. (f you're using more than English, you may have to do this for each language; I haven't tried other languages). For safety, make a copy.

2. The keyboard mapping information is stored in a KCHR resource in that file - but the file has the resources in the data fork. So get a copy of QuickConvert and switch the data fork to a resource fork. Note there's another program out there called QuickConvert which does Mac file and creator type modification; it's a fine program but not what you want.

3. Now run ResEdit and edit the KCHR resource in your copy of Localized.rsrc. Alternatively, create another KCHR resrouce, give it a different name (like "Modified US") and edit that resource. This way you can go back to the original keyboard mappings any time you want.

4. Run QuickConvert again and switch the resource fork back to the data fork.

5. Rename your copy of Localized.rsrc to Localized.old (safety)

6. Rename the modified copy of Localized.rsrc (probably named Localized.rsrc copy) so it is just plain Localized.rsrc, and be sure it's in the right folder (it will be, unless you moved it out).

7. Restart the Mac. You should have your customized keyboard available from the Keyboards system preferences panel. If you edited the one KCHR resource, it will be selected automatically; if you made a copy, you'll have to select it.

8. Don't forget to pay the shareware fee for QuickConvert. (Be sure to pay for the right one.)



I've actually seen another app that would allow you to remap the keys, but I couldn't find that one.

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