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For those who use both pc's and macs.

Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
North Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Your Mac's Specs
12" 1.33 GHz PowerBook w/SuperDrive, 60GB HDD, 1.25G RAM.
You might've seen this topic before time and time again, but what i wanna know is not figures of specs, speeds, blah blah blah, but a first eye account from somebody that has both a pc and a mac. I'll be getting either a powerbook or ibook, but i wont dispense with my laptop thought. It's running a 2.8 athlon xp-m chip with 1gig of memory. Would a maxed out 1gig 12" ibook with 1.25gig of memory beat my laptop when it comes to video editing on the road? What do you think could run faster? Any reply is welcome here, even if you wanna point out speeds, specs, etc, coz i wanna learn as much as i can before i buy.

Thank you for reading!
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hamilton College
Your Mac's Specs
20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
Well I don't have experience with the iBook performance wise but this is a comparison that I can attest to

Custom Desktop - P4 2.6 ghz 1GB RDRAM
eMac - 1.25 ghz 1GB DDR RAM

The eMac destroyyyys my custom desktop in just about everything video/photo related
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
citystar2k said:
You might've seen this topic before time and time again, but what i wanna know is not figures of specs, speeds, blah blah blah, but a first eye account from somebody that has both a pc and a mac. I'll be getting either a powerbook or ibook, but i wont dispense with my laptop thought. It's running a 2.8 athlon xp-m chip with 1gig of memory. Would a maxed out 1gig 12" ibook with 1.25gig of memory beat my laptop when it comes to video editing on the road? What do you think could run faster? Any reply is welcome here, even if you wanna point out speeds, specs, etc, coz i wanna learn as much as i can before i buy.
Thank you for reading!
I personally think it will especially if Mac editing apps are used. In cases where pc appears faster - more then likely the app in comparison fails to exploit Mac's broader internal data paths


I use both....and usability makes me want to use my powerbook over my pc desktop. Speed wise their very similar..I don't do a whle lot of video stuff...at least not yet.....but I like the way the adobe creative suit runs on my powerbook more so than my xp pc....


imac 1ghz 512 ddrram 32mb vid
the dell 1.5 ghz 384 rdram 16mb vid
games - dell
graphics apps - imac
vid editing - imac destroyyys
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
Super interesting ;)
Feb 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Your Mac's Specs
15" MacBook Pro, 13" MacBook Black, 15" iMac G4, 24" iMac (soon!)
I've got an Athlon 2400 desktop with a gig of RAM, a 24 bit sound card, and a 128 MB GeForce 4 Ti4200.

My Powerbook is a 1.33 GHz G4 with 512 MB of RAM and a 64 MB graphics card.

In games, my PC spanks my Mac. No comparison whatsoever.
In graphics editing, my PC still spanks my Mac.
In movies, the Mac has a slight edge, and most importantly is MUCH more stable (the PC video editing software likes to crash)

Overall? The design and usability and stability of the Mac make it a far superior system. I estimate that within two years Macs will be much faster than PCs for the same price.


macs::: ibook 600 256 ram (8 meg lol)/ dual 2ghz g5 512 ram (ati radeon 9700 i think)
pcs::: 1ghz 768 ram (geforce 4 ti 4600) / 2.4ghz 512 ram (geforce 4 ti 4600)

1. Dual G5 **winner**
2. 2.4 pc
3. 1.0 pc
4. ibook 600

graphics apps:
1. Dual G5 **winner**
2. 2.4 pc
3. ibook 600
4. 1.0 pc

video editing:
1. Dual G5 **winner**
2. 2.4 pc
3. ibook 600
4. 1.0 pc

just incase you were wondering... the dual g5 blows the **** out of even the most powerful gaming machines my friends can create.. my frames per second in games like quake blow the pc away
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
YEAH! This is what I have been trying to point out! Thanks WilliS :)


just a FYI... i was messin around... dont mind my horrible aim, i was taking a screenshot ;) lol (still killed the guy!) but just notice the fps

**note** if you are one of those people who go by the numbers of what people put out, and never really see for yourself what the machine actually puts out, dont bother complaining that my FPS is only 90...because ive played first person shooter games forever, and only WISH i could had over 60fps constantly in every game i play.

oh... and if you're a stickler for detail, i had all the video graphics on as high as they would go, and the screenshot is while i am shooting the gun, so it has partical effects and such... and still running at a smooth 90fps

*** edit *** just replayed the game, put all the settings on low and stuff... still 90fps... i dont think it will register over 90... so i guess its possible it could have gone higher on full graphics.. nice to know? :-\



My comparison is based on my mac desktop vs. my friend's PC desktop, both of which I've had extensive time to play games, edit video, write documents, and horse around on.

My Mac: Dual 2Ghz G5, 128MB Radeon 9800, 160GB HD 7200rpm, 4GB RAM.

Friend's PC: Alienware Aurora 64 FX-53, 256MB GeForce 6800, 120GB HD 7200rpm, 2GB RAM.

IN OTHER WORDS, I'm comparing two ultra loaded top-of-the-line computers from each camp, both 64-bit, not to mention.

Games: I can't tell the difference. Frame rates blaze on both computers.
Internet: Mac wins. Only because of Safari's speed.
Word Processing: PC applications load faster (as in hairs of a second), but files open with identical speed.
Video: Mac crunches computations and renders chunks of video noticeably faster than a PC does. I compared with both computers running Avid DV Express.
Photoshop: Mac. No contest.
STABILITY: Mac spanks the PC's monkey.
Mar 27, 2004
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
Dual 2.2GHz powered by AMD Opteron - *Sends G5 & 8Gb Ram to scrap heap* Yeah! finally switched BACK!
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
Let's post this in the M$ website! ;) :)


I use a PC at work all day with Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Then I come home and use my 1.6Ghz G5 for the same thing. Both apps are much easier to use on the Mac. Fonts look better, FTP is easier. Everything I do on the Mac just seems so much simpler.
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
It's mind boggling that people are stubborn enough to keep using M$ doz bloz after all this -- on the other hand so many are working so hard to accomplish in Linux what we have up and running in OS X :) :D


You know, Witeshark, I really want to know why you hate Microsoft so much. I'm a natural-born Mac user, but I've used the newest PCs, running Windows XP, and they're VERY fast and VERY good! Also, in just about every non-Apple test between a G5 and some other PC running Windows, the PC wins.

http://spl.haxial.net/apple-powermac-G5/ (This was actually written by a Mac-user, believe it or not)


But, this doesn't mean that this is true, either. It's just more convincing than Apple's comparisons. But, if you don't believe this page, then you probably don't believe anything that's shown by benchmarks, period. That would mean that you shouldn't believe Apple either on the benchmarks. However, I did read something interesting somewhere about "the only way to do a fair comparison between a PC and a Mac is for them both to run Linux, as software written for both Windows and the Mac OS may be differently written, so that the performance of one appears to be better".

As for hating Microsoft...Well, they provide Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Entourage, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and MSN Messenger for your Mac (as well as a few other minor applications, such as Remote Desktop Client). Word is far superior to Appleworks or Textedit (with all of its cool features, like the ability to change case, grammar corrector, superior linguistic corrections, etc.), and it's the same with Excel (being superior to Appleworks). Excel is better due to the "reference" system (which REALLY adds convenience) and the bigger supply of functions. Powerpoint actually might not be better than Keynote, though, from what I've heard. I have Keynote in addition to Powerpoint, but because I'm more used to Powerpoint I don't know if I'll ever use Keynote). Entourage is superior to Mail. I've tried Mail, and it's simply got less features. I know I might seem kinda silly not to name them, but I'm almost positive Entourage has more features. And Windows Media Player? Well, what else are you gonna use to play .wsf files, .wmv files, .wma files, and .asx files? Internet Explorer for Mac may be inferior to Safari, but before Safari Explorer was great. If you didn't use Microsoft's web browser, you would have to use something inferior like Netscape Navigator. As for MSN Messenger....While the Mac version may be inferior to iChat, how else are you gonna talk to the people who USE MSN? Well, you could use MSN clones, but don't forget that they all connect to the .net service, which was created by Microsoft. Also, Witeshark, you often use stability as an argument to flame Windows. But the thing is, XP is very stable. It seems to be about the same as OS X, actually. So, in terms of stability, the newest operating systems seem to be very stable, no matter what company makes it.

Also, you've got to admit that Microsoft wins in both the gaming field and the business field. I mean, there are not only have thousands of games written for Windows, but Microsoft itself made the X-Box in addition to Halo, which I've heard is an unbelievable game. As for business? Well, does Apple COME with Office? No, you have to buy it. And even when you do, you don't get Frontpage (a great web-designing program that comes with Office XP), Access (my favourite database-designing software that seems to be even better than Filemaker Pro. Even if someone says Filemaker Pro is better, don't forget that it's written for Windows too.), and other cool business softare. I've also heard about a program called Visio, which makes business diagrams (and yes, it's made by Microsoft). And what about Microsoft Money? From what I've heard, it's a better program than Quicken (which, by the way, is also available for Windows).

Look, I'm not trying to bash Apple or Macs in general. I'm just saying that you can't truly hate everything that's come out of Microsoft. No one can. They've made many fine products, and I'd like everyone to acknowledge that. And remember, I'm saying this as a natural-born Mac user.

And I'm really sorry if I offended anyone.
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
My main gripes are:
Every OS released way before debugging paying customers are debugging staff
Registry that is virtually indefensible - new worm almost, if not daily now. I know, I watch Norton and Cnet just to see if they can keep up, and my bro and I are maintaining my mom's xp. Longhorn must become a behemoth to begin security that I believe will fail without a Unix like rebuilding, and we call that Linux or BSD.
Sorry business/competition practise, all well documented
A list of error spash screens that would bring me to the verge of despair if I was a M$ coder
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
wow.. someone feels they are the self proclaimed expert of making sure people agree the way they do.

To be honest i didn't read your entire post.. not really what i enjoy reading and what not.. though most of it seems milding possible to cut down or counter.. just like i am sure you could do or try to do the same. Though the one thing that caught my eye was the Halo microsoft creation... all I can say is.. M$ DID NOT CREATE HALO. Bungie did, if you followed either M$ or bungie you would know that around 00-01ish bungie was bought out by M$... halo was already in production by 97-98, though it was not ready to be released, it never was ready to be released, halo in 2001 was a horrible idea. M$ should be kicked in the face for it. So many exploits and bugs in it.. sigh* can't say I don't mind finding holes in the game, i just wish they weren't so abundant.

anyways.. m$ does not create games worth playing, bungie was the best before M$ and somehow they rnt that bad now. Halo 2, pure M$ involvement will i guess be the test.

anyways.. again.. people feel how they do for a reason, if it can be backed up by fact, then your wrong. if it can't well who knows.


Bungie created Halo? Well, I've never heard of Bungie, but yeah, I could see that. I'm sure I heard somewhere that Microsoft created Halo....Well, w/e. I've never used an X-Box before (or even a Gamecube for that matter) but from what I've heard, the X-Box is not an ugly creation. For people who like action and shooting games, it seems to be the best system.

As for security issues, yes, I've heard that Apple does tend to be ahead of Microsoft on that one. I wouldn't know first-hand, but most people tell me that security-wise OS X has the upper hand.

And the sneaky business techniques? Hey, I'm not saying Microsoft is an ethically good company or even that they haven't done evil. They have. They have done bad things, that are injust, wrong, and stealing. All I am saying is that their products aren't half-bad, regardless of what business practices made them. I now it sounds like a heartless moral on my part, but there's nothing anyone really can do. I mean, there's nothing particularly harmful about their products, so why not enjoy them, even if they used sneaky tactics to make 'em. Microsoft is one of the largest corporations in the world, and although good business tactics, low product prices, and thievery and mercilessness did help a lot to make them where they are today, product quality MUST have something to do with it. I mean, you really think 95% of the computer market would buy a Microsoft product only because it's cheaper? Just try to see both sides of every issue, alright? Sorry, it's just that I've gotten a bit tired of seeing Mac fanatics everywhere flat-out bashing the competition without solid, true evidence. I actually take offense to that. Just like the way I take offense to people bashing Macs.
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Miami FL
Your Mac's Specs
G4 1Ghz OS X 10.4.7
No solid evidence? I'm not sure where you're looking, I look at the Norton and Cnet sites, evidence by the truckload there alone :rolleyes:

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