eShox Updated With Skins And WebDAV Support

Jun 11, 2003
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Mount Vernon, WA
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MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2

November 19th, 2003 [12:00 PM CST]

eShox Updated With Skins And WebDAV Support by Staff

Secure.CC has released an update for eShox, bringing it to version 3.6. eShox is a utility designed for e-commerce database management. The update ships with support for custom skins and Dreamweaver WebDAV interface editing. According to Secure.CC:

Secure.CC has released eShox 3.6.​
Primarily designed for Mac OS X, eShox enables Mac users to access functionality previously unavailable on their favorite platform. Without the hassles of running non-server applications such as FileMaker Pro (while still enabling the use of such applications), eShox allows administrators to focus on their core business. eShox automated, trouble-free installation brings the power, performance and reliability of PHP and MySQL to the non-programmer.​
eShox&Mac184; 3.6 offers "Skins" feature for unlimited customization of store interface. Includes four pre-built skins and two customizable skin templates, information panels to assist customers in making purchases, Dreamweaver WebDAV support and a new Finder-like file management system. Try eShox&Mac184; 3.6 now via our downloads page; demo versions are fully functional sans checkout capability.​
New features:​
* Dreamweaver WebDAV support for editing store interface and product information​
* Interface "Skins" for creating a unique look​
* Visual product options for easy selection of a product's details (color, size, etc)​
* Information panels to assist customers while shopping​
* File Finder for management of store filesystem​
* Intelligent setup assistant for database setup​
* Hungarian language in addition to the 12 other languages already supported​
* Key enhancements to the overall admin user interface experience​
* Updated support for music-related products​

You can find more information about the eShox update at the Secure.CC Web site. eShox 3.6 is free for registered users, while the full version is available for US$299.00 for each seat.

My Comments: Ok in my opinion this is the best eCommerce package out there. Yes I am an affiliate with them so I can get you a deal if you are interested in this package.. please PIM me or post a note here. You can view a site that I am working on that uses eShox.. please PIM me and Ill get back to you with the addy.. since it's not really released to the public yet.. :) This is an awesome product and with this release it's even better!

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