Dock won't show up, side window in finder windows won't be modified

Aug 5, 2008
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I've been the pretty happy owner of a powerbook G4 for nearly 4 years, and today for some reasons I've been struggling with it all day.:Shouting: :Shouting:
First, it started crashing 3 or 4 times. Now when I manage to reboot it, and log in, my dock seems to have completely disappeared. I can still open applications, by either clicking on files' icons on the desktop or through finder, opening a new window and getting through my application folder, but in this case, I have to manually go folder by folder through to the application one, as it doesn't let me create a shortcut in the side window of the finder window.
A couple of things seem out of order too:
i can't use command+tab to switch between open applications;
I can't minimise any window;
my "about this mac" info won't show up when I click on it;
since I have connected my power book to a 23 inches apple display, I use a wacom tablet instead of a mouse, but now the set up seems to have disappeared as well and even if I tried to reinstall the drive to use it, It won't work (and I have to be painfully dragging and dragging my pen across the tablet to get things moving).
Last thing, in my folder system for OSX, I can only find a library folder (and I wonder if this is not the cause of all the other problems). Isn't there supposed to be something else?
I run 10.3.9, and all programs (word, Final cut, firefox, etc) that I use daily seem to work fine.
If anybody knows what can be done to solve this, not overwhlming, but pretty annoying problem, I'd love to hear from you.;D
thank you!
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook, iPod Classic, 8GB 3G iPhone, Time Capsule
I'd try an archive and install, that sounds really, really frustrating.

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