And if you remove that app (or any other OS specific app) and ever want it back, your only solutions will involve: a) re-installing the OS or b) paying for an app that can put back individual apps from the OS disc.
It is never a good idea to remove apps that are part of the OS default installation. They don't take 'that much' space. Doing all of that, plus using apps like Monolingual and similar that will remove extraneous printers and PPC code, you're only going to come up with a maximum of 3-4 GB of space. You'll also run into the occasional app that will no longer function after doing so.
If you need space that bad, it's time to invest in a larger hard drive, not by going around hunting down megabytes worth of stuff to make room for that one more song you just have to have.
If you're getting to the point of 15% or less free space on your system drive/partition, it's time for a larger internal drive or figuring out a better storage option for all of your data.