Decisions or no apple?!?

Mar 12, 2007
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I'll try to make this short:

I've been planning on buying a macbook (black) with upgraded Ram from 1 to 2gig, but is hesitant. I've been doing some research on forums and current apple users, and discovered many problems with macbooks.

Few problems which worry me...(Sorry, i happen to not know much about computers...)
1) Heat
2) Something about the CPU clock running too much.
3) Noticeable loss in battery life
4) Having to depend on Applecare, almost as if you are going to encounter a critical problem, enough to take it in or even have to get it replaced
5) Apple users and people on forums posting problems about their macbooks.

AND THE LIST GOES i discover more and more...
DISCOURAGING...for a prospect 1st time APPLE USER.

Some positive, but practical, comments will be nice. Thank you guys, and just to clarify, im not saying apple is bad, just a bit worried because MOST of what I'm hearing about macbooks in general are not too convincing. Thanks again.
Feb 2, 2004
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Some positive, but practical, comments will be nice. Thank you guys, and just to clarify, im not saying apple is bad, just a bit worried because MOST of what I'm hearing about macbooks in general are not too convincing. Thanks again.
I would suggest taking some time and searching the forums. You will find a plethora of useful, insightful, and extremely helpful opinions and advice which addresses each of your concerns.
Oct 27, 2005
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I just love the word plethora. Welcome to Mac-Forums Justincredible.

Yeah .... if you have a squiz around a bit ... most of the topics you're really keen to read up on can be found by just coming to grips with the search function. You could even google a few of those issues as they are quite common enquiries btw.
Mar 12, 2007
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Many are saying that these problems i posted can be found certain websites and forums and all...but that is what my point exactly.

All these problems can be found and is a common problem. So its pretty much saying, there is a high chance for my new macbook to encounter them, no?!? Why go through all these other laptops bring in problems and burdens like macbooks?!? (Such as sony vaios, dells, alienware, etc.?)

Thanks guys...
Feb 2, 2004
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Many are saying that these problems i posted can be found certain websites and forums and all...but that is what my point exactly.

All these problems can be found and is a common problem. So its pretty much saying, there is a high chance for my new macbook to encounter them, no?!? Why go through all these other laptops bring in problems and burdens like macbooks?!? (Such as sony vaios, dells, alienware, etc.?)

Thanks guys...
I can sum up your fears with one simple phrase:

"The squeaky wheel gets the most oil"

Nevermind that fact that the other three wheels are working just fine and with no ill effects.

In other words, the amount of negative stories you see plastered all over the 'net are a minute, small representation of the entire picture. This skews the actual facts, because you don't see nearly as many positives.
Here's why:

Statistically, happy and satisfied people tend to share their experience with only a few people. Close friends, family, coworkers and that's about it. Happy folk are not likely to go and shout it from the mountain top for all to witness and hear.

By way of contrast, unhappy people will tell as many people in as many ways possible about their dismay... as often as possible. They will never tire of spreading the "bad new" to any and all that will listen. They will not rest their vendetta until every living person on the face of the earth has heard their tale of woe.

So, take that into consideration when you are looking at negative reviews on a product or service.
Apr 29, 2006
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St. Somewhere
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Mac Studio, M1 Max, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB SSD
Justincredible, D3v1L80Y has it exactly right.

Remember, happy and satisfied people don't feel the need to post in forums as often as people with issues. So, when you look at a forum, in general you see a self selected subset of the Mac population who have problems they need help with. They probably form the majority of the posts, but they are a MINORITY of the total population. Just looking at the posts will skew your view of the reliabilty of Macs.

BTW, these forums are a bit of an exception to the above. If you check out the MacBook and MacBook Pro sub forums, you will find LOTS of "Wow! I *love* this thing" sort of posts. Spend some time checking them out over a few days - you will be pleasantly surprised. In addition to people with problems, people who experience that "Ah hah - wow!" moment when they realize just how good their new Mac really is also tend to post their amazement. The Windows world has conditioned most folks to expect computers to be difficult problem filled devices. When the new Mac owner, hoping against hope that all the Mac "it just works" hype is *really* true, realizes that it *is* really true, they tend to post about it in sheer amazement. Watch for it, you will see LOTS of that sort of post here.
Mar 12, 2007
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Agreed, most people who are happy with their products just use the things and never talk about it. Why would they, they EXPECT it to work.

I love my MacBook (had it since Saturday). However the only issue you list that I think should be commented on is heat.

The MacBook DOES get hot. Unreasonably so in my opinion. I have a Dell laptop that I have used on a bed/on my lap/the arm of a soft squishy leather couch, etc. The case never gets more than slightly warm to the touch. And when I say slightly I mean SLIGHTLY. It would get warmer left sitting in the sun for ten minutes.

My MacBook gets HOT. No, its not burning me but sitting on my lap it gets hot enough that I start to feel too warm even though I live in michigan and its currently around 20 degrees (F) outside.

Does that mean I'm not happy I bought the MacBook? No. But be aware of it. My solution was to order a lapdesk/cooler (iLap) to keep my legs and the MacBook comfy. Its better ergonomics anyway.

If you can, find an Apple store and play with one, they don't mind if you hang out and poke around. That's what I did and decided that I would be comfortable with a Mac. I am MORE than comfortable I am loving it. Every day I have literally found something new that made me grin. ;)

There is feedback from a long time computer geek (Lets just say there were only two colors on a screen when I started and the word "window" meant a thing you opened to get fresh air.) and first time Apple user (<1 week).
Apr 25, 2003
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The home of the free and the land that did for Bra
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24"iMac, 15"MB-Pro, MacBook, G4 iMac, PM G5 2x2Ghz, G4 iBook & Some PCs
There is feedback from a long time computer geek (Lets just say there were only two colors on a screen when I started ...

Screen! You had a screen!

Bloody luxury ... We had a hex pad and some LEDs, to get any results before end of t'day we 'ad to enter t'program at 4 in't mornin ... and lick the punch tape clean ... etc etc

n' you try tellin the kids of today that!

Jan 20, 2007
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Oakton, VA USA
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White MacBook Intel C2D 2.2GHz, 2G, 250G, SD, Leopard.
Over the last 13 years I've owned 13 home computers. (Me shakes me head at that thought.) Of those 13, only 7 gave what I'd call acceptable service. The others were either returned or destroyed (my homebuilt with a transient hardware error). Names on both sides include Toshiba, Dell, IBM, and Apple.

Others have commented on how people will report problems with their machines. I'll simply say my MacBook is the most hassle-free machine I've ever owned and I love it. Here are two things I'd recommend you consider.


Is the return policy acceptable to you? What about the service policy? The best brands occasionally break, and you need to make sure you can get problems resolved quickly.


"Hello, I'm a..."

Will the Mac serve your computing needs? Will you be able to do everything on the Mac that you need to do, or do you need a PC instead?

Are you willing to look at computing a different way (some would say a better way)? Are you willing to invest a little time unlearning bad PC habits?

On the other hand, do you need a PC? Throughout the Mac-Forums you can find people trying to make their Mac into a PC. Sure, you can do it, but why bother? If everything you do requires you to use PC versions of software, you're probably better spending your time looking at a good PC.

Good luck!
Feb 2, 2004
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sitting on my lap it gets hot enough that I start to feel too warm even though I live in michigan and its currently around 20 degrees (F) outside.
Well, to be fair... Apple actually advises anyone from using a notebook computer on their lap.
Apple said:
Do not leave the bottom of the computer in contact with your lap or any surface of your body for extended periods.
They aren't "laptops", even though that is the colloquial term most people tend to use. They are 'notebooks' or 'portables'. They aren't supposed to go in your lap.:black:

Throughout the Mac-Forums you can find people trying to make their Mac into a PC. Sure, you can do it, but why bother? If everything you do requires you to use PC versions of software, you're probably better spending your time looking at a good PC.
Agreed. If you want/need Windows, then stick with a Windows machine. Don't expect a Mac to be something different that will "save" you from your computer woes, when all you want to do is make it look, act, and run exactly like the system you were trying to "escape" from.
Apr 25, 2003
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The home of the free and the land that did for Bra
Your Mac's Specs
24"iMac, 15"MB-Pro, MacBook, G4 iMac, PM G5 2x2Ghz, G4 iBook & Some PCs
I'll try to make this short:

I've been planning on buying a macbook (black) with upgraded Ram from 1 to 2gig, but is hesitant. I've been doing some research on forums and current apple users, and discovered many problems with macbooks.

Few problems which worry me...(Sorry, i happen to not know much about computers...)
1) Heat
2) Something about the CPU clock running too much.
3) Noticeable loss in battery life
4) Having to depend on Applecare, almost as if you are going to encounter a critical problem, enough to take it in or even have to get it replaced
5) Apple users and people on forums posting problems about their macbooks.

AND THE LIST GOES i discover more and more...
DISCOURAGING...for a prospect 1st time APPLE USER.

Some positive, but practical, comments will be nice. Thank you guys, and just to clarify, im not saying apple is bad, just a bit worried because MOST of what I'm hearing about macbooks in general are not too convincing. Thanks again.

I've got 7 Macs ranging from a G4 eMac up to a brand spanking new MB Pro 15inch (including a MacBook and an iBook).

I've had very little trouble with them compare to other machines I've owned and am happy with them all.

My eMac suffered a CRT failure just outside the warranty period, Apple gave me a CRT change for free and my PowerMac had all sorts of strange random shutdown problems about 6 months after I bought it, it went back to the local Apple service centre several times until it was working properly but each time they couldn't find out what was causing it, we surmised that them yanking the CPUs in and out a few times must have fixed it somehow although the firmware upgrade and a clean install of OS X might have helped. It has been working fine ever since (about three years now).

The MacBook does run quite hot, especially when running XP in bootCamp, so I always use it on a tea tray.


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