Cutting files

Apr 15, 2007
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I recently downloaded a 40 minute audio file, however I need it split into several different length tracks. Does anybody know of any free downloadable, easy to use mac OS X programs I can use to accomplish this task.

Frickin batman! :batman:
Feb 13, 2005
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New Orleans, LA, USA
Your Mac's Specs
13" Macbook Pro 2.26Ghz Unibody 4G RAM 160G HDD Superdrive
Yes, Audacity will do this for you. I use it all the time to split up recorded internet streamed radio I record with Audio Hijack Pro. You import the really long track into Audacity, then select which parts you're interested. Select 'save selection to wav' and it'll save that selection into a file. Then I usually delete that section I just saved, then select the next one and repeat.

Mac version available, free.

You can do some other more complex stuff too, like multi-track arranging and things like that, but I haven't done that sort of stuff with it in awhile. But for simply breaking out stuff from a recorded stream it's hard to beat.
Feb 13, 2005
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New Orleans, LA, USA
Your Mac's Specs
13" Macbook Pro 2.26Ghz Unibody 4G RAM 160G HDD Superdrive
Thanks a ton!! really appreciated!
Btw whats the program called you use to hijack radio :D

Audio Hijack Pro. Unfortunately, it is about $32US, but worth it if you record streams a lot. It'll record whatever particular app (quicktime, iTunes, DVD player etc.) and only that app and not the other system sounds that might be happening.

Not to be confused with a stream ripper. Stream rippers can be detected by the internet radio stations and ban you. AHP merely records whatever the app you point it to is playing and there is no way the station can tell you are recording it. It's all that fair use thing and all.
Apr 15, 2007
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Cool man I'd like to record AOL radio
I'm having probs with audacity though, I can't figure out how to cut the files..I have it imported and paused on the first part I'd like to cut..could ya help me out :D
The audacty forums havent responded to my thread requesting help yet.
Feb 13, 2005
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New Orleans, LA, USA
Your Mac's Specs
13" Macbook Pro 2.26Ghz Unibody 4G RAM 160G HDD Superdrive
Well, assuming you have a track loaded, place your mouse cursor at the beginning of where you want to start your cut. Make sure that you have the 'selection tool' selected. That will put a vertical line at where you want the audio to start. Then you can either click and drag your mouse cursor to the right to highlight the bits of audio you want to select. Alternatively, you can move your cursor to a location further to the right of the beginning and while pressing the shift key, click to about where you want the selection to end. You should see a grayed section of the audio 'selected'. This is your selection. You can now go into the File menu and click on 'Export selection as wav' and give it a name for your new sound clip. It will save it to an individual file with just that audio contained within.

There are all sorts of other tricks, but the simplest involve the selection tool and the shift+clicking. You can also shift+click-drag the grey part to as long of the audio that you want. Pay close attention to the timing that Audacity will tell you about with regards to where you are in the sound stream. To be precise you'll also want to zoom in/zoom out to really get where something starts or ends. This is especially important if you want to fix things, such as rebuffer errors and the like. After awhile you'll learn to recognize the wave-forms themselves and be able to 'see' individual audio before even playing it. For example I'm looking at a stream I recorded recently, and I can tell which parts of it are the songs, which are commercials, which are IDs, and where there was some silence; just by looking at the wave-form of the stream. I can see where I'm going to need to put a fade-in, or where a song ended abruptly and another was started. This comes from a couple of years of messing around with this. You'll eventually get it, it is not particularly difficult.

Other tools allow you to amplify the selection, fade-out, fade-in, and other things I've found that will help you get rid of DJ crossfades etc. It all just takes a little practice. Later you'll learn to copy selections and paste them into a new track so you can actually 'edit' tracks to get something completely different! Play around with the program, and I'm sure it will come to you. It took about six months for me to become really comfortable with editing audio, but once you know how to do it, you'll be able to do all that fancy stuff that the recording industry doesn't want you to know how to do.
Apr 15, 2007
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Thanks a lot! you've been an extremely helpful person!! only 1 question left...I highlighted the ssection I want to export and its grey, however the export option is frozen : [

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