Creating playlists of podcasts in iTunes 12

May 23, 2012
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Your Mac's Specs
15-inch 2014 Retina MacBook Pro, 2012 Mac Mini, 160GB iPod Classic, iPhone 5
This used to be simple. I'd either drag a podcast episode into a playlist in the left column of my Music window or right click and add the episode to a playlist. Now, with iTunes 12, dragging is no longer an option as I cannot see my podcasts in the Music window. When I right click and select Add to Playlist nothing happens. The selected episode does not appear in the playlist.

I'm heading out on a road trip tomorrow morning and want to build a playlist of podcasts to listen to while on the road. I'm using iTunes 12.01.26 on a 2014 rMBP running Yosemite. Trying to create playlists to use on my iPod Classic and iPhone 6. both have the latest software installed, but that should not matter as the problem is in Tunes 12.

I would appreciate any tips so i don't have to scroll through my car's interface every time a podcast episode ends.

Just for grins I tried adding music to an existing playlist. Dragging the file to the playlist works, but right clicking and selecting Add to playlist does not work. This seems like a major bug.
May 23, 2012
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Your Mac's Specs
15-inch 2014 Retina MacBook Pro, 2012 Mac Mini, 160GB iPod Classic, iPhone 5
Well, I figured it out. After selecting Podcasts from the drop-down menu in the upper left I had to select the Playlists tab at the top of the page. That allows me to drag and drop podcast episodes into my playlists, but does not show me if the selected episode is already in a podcast, so I have to click on the playlist and check for myself. clunky, at best, and Add to Playlist is not an option if I right click on a selected podcast episode.

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