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Crazy price for a PB!!! CHeck it out!!!! I need cash and you need the laptop!

Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
Yesterday is over and done with. Today is a new day, and a new price for this spectacular deal! This powerbook is a 1ghz, 1gb, 17" powerhouse with superdrive! This powerbook is 1 year old, with 2 years left on the Apple care plan. All this software, you're ready to do EVERYTHING! Airport card installed, 1gb of RAM, 60 gb hard drive, superdrive. This laptop is top of the line! $2250 is the price or will trade out for a 12, 14, or 15" Powerbook of comparable specs plus cash.

Comes with these programs installed :
MS Office 2004 media provided
Adobe photoshop CS
Adobe Imageready CS
Norton Utilities 2004 media provided
Panther 10.3.5 media provided
filemaker pro 6
macromedia contribute media provided
dreamweaver mx
adobe go live cs
konfabulator media provided
tons of dvd backup software media provided.
real basic 5
roxio toast 6
quicken 2005
adobe acrobat 6

email for pics if you must, but it looks just like everyother powerbook out there, and yes, there are NO SCRATCHES OR MARKS. Call it a year old brand spankin new condition.
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
15" MBP 2.16GHz ^ATI Radeon X1600 256MB ^100GB @ 7200 rpm ^2GB RAM ^Glossy Screen +iPod 4G 20 gigs
the day is gone. are u gonna raise the price now? :D
Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
I live in Portland Oregon.

As for the price, yes I will be raising it up. As the ad said, it was a one day only special. Now that the day is over, I'd look pretty foolish not raising it wouldnt I?

The price is now $2250. And let me save the 5 guys who felt the need to email me and show me that the price for and education discount on a new one. Sorry, but you guys are not students, nor teachers, therefore you dont qualify for the educational discount in the store. So if you dont qualify for it there, why should I give it to you here? And theres also the fact that I have 1gb of ram. More programs than you can shake a stick at, and yes, its on disc.

So look. All you little kids that are just pissed that you cant buy one of these, please stop emailing me discounts. You're not even buying it for chrissakes. What do you care? Stop telling me how software doesnt count because you can download it and steal it. Good for you. Good for me. I know that, and I've got it all here. I'm selling my laptop, and I'm selling it for the price I THINK is fair. More than fair if you asked me. My price is determined by what someone would go into the store and pay for my package, software and all. If you dont like it, move on to the next thread.

Sorry for the long dissertation, but sometimes these little teeny boppers just get on my nerves clogging up my inbox the way they do.
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
17" iMac G5 1.6 ghz, 768 MB Ram, 80 GB HD, Combo
I doubt anyone is gonna buy it here. Just put it on ebay. I've see some machines close to yours without software go for $2000 so if you have all of the software I know you could get more than what you are asking. So if your sick of everyone telling you that the price is to high put it on ebay.
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Arlington Heights, IL USA
Your Mac's Specs
17" Flat Panel iMac -15" 1.5GHz, 80GB HDD, 128MB ATI video card, 1GB RAM- PowerBook
Yeah but the problem with the software is that alot of it is probably already registered in your name and address and places like Adobe and whatnot may give people trouble when try to get help.

To call people names and make assumptions that they can't afford it just because they point out to you that they can get it cheaper with the student discount is no measure of wealth.

I wouldn't buy it from you now due to your attitude. No different than if I go into a store and get treated like you are treating the people inquiring about your offer. If you don't want to take anything but your offered price then I suggest you put it up on Ebay (or another auction site of your choosing) and see what you can get for it. The 1GHz models seem to be going for right around the $2k mark (some higher, some lower) so good luck.
Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
wait a minute...me selling my laptop aside...you're telling me that, my attitude, after, quite frankly, the crap I got in my inbox, isn't ok? But by your statment..."your attitude", you're implying that it's my attitude thats wrong, and that I'm not justified in being that way.

Well excuse me. But when I get a bunch of kids, and yes I got about 8 different emails, all telling me in one reason or another why I should lower my price, and then only for them, when these kids act like little kids, I cant feel a little miffed? Jeezus. That kinda floors me.

"Ill trade you my 400 mhz ibook for your powerbook"

or even better

"and since i'm in high skool i can get the educational discount, so that would be $200 off the price and i got edonkey and limewire so i can get software so it doesnt count."

So what you're telling me rberry88 is that in my somewhat POLITE response to these kids, that it puts you off?!?!?!?!

Dude...I'm trying to trade my laptop, not having to spend an hour to reply to emails and having to fend off their multiple attempts to trade me other stuff I in no way asked for, from people who clearly would not be missed should they fall from the face of the earth.
Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
and you're missing the bigger picture about the educational discount. Someone offers to by my laptop, but they want the educational discount. Look at what ANY 17" pristine powerbook would cost. Now look at my price.

Yeah. Big difference. Now add onto that the fact that these are people who DO NOT QUALIFY for the discount in the store. They're trying the cheat someone who they think they can get over on.

They were trying to get over on me by thinking I'd just assume that any old student can get the ed. discount, when in fact they cant. Thats cheating.

and i assume you think that that's ok?
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Arlington Heights, IL USA
Your Mac's Specs
17" Flat Panel iMac -15" 1.5GHz, 80GB HDD, 128MB ATI video card, 1GB RAM- PowerBook
A few thoughts on this first:

1. How do you know their parents aren't teachers and qualify for the educational discount? Or maybe they have siblings that qualify for it?

2. When I go into a store or, even on Ebay and ask the seller questions, I never get answers or replies like you have posted here, that is rude.

3. You're upset at me because I have an opinion on your attitude?? Step 1 in selling anything, don't let your true feelings show, smile and say thank you 110% of the time even when saying "No thanks".

4. I still don't get how asking for the educational discount (or pointing out what the savings on it are) is "cheating" you. Just politely tell them no and block their e-mail as junk mail. Simple and it doesn't cause you grief.

5. I'm not sure how old you are or how many things you've tried to sell/trade via forums or auctions but you will find about 90% of the time no matter what price or guidelines you post there is always going to be a flock that thinks they should get it cheaper.

And lastly,

6. Since when are you the person to tell someone they don't qualify for an in-store educational discount, especially after one e-mail?? This one I had to laugh at because you take a position of authority that isn't yours to take in the first place.

Look, I'm not trying to argue with you, I simply posted my opinions (everyone is entitiled to them) and told you "good luck" in my previous post, I'm sorry my opinion didn't match yours but if you just wanted someone to comfort you and agree with you then a forum is the wrong place to ask as you'll be open to even more opinions.

Just my 2 cents.


rberry88 said:
A few thoughts on this first:

1. How do you know their parents aren't teachers and qualify for the educational discount? Or maybe they have siblings that qualify for it?

2. When I go into a store or, even on Ebay and ask the seller questions, I never get answers or replies like you have posted here, that is rude.

3. You're upset at me because I have an opinion on your attitude?? Step 1 in selling anything, don't let your true feelings show, smile and say thank you 110% of the time even when saying "No thanks".

4. I still don't get how asking for the educational discount (or pointing out what the savings on it are) is "cheating" you. Just politely tell them no and block their e-mail as junk mail. Simple and it doesn't cause you grief.

5. I'm not sure how old you are or how many things you've tried to sell/trade via forums or auctions but you will find about 90% of the time no matter what price or guidelines you post there is always going to be a flock that thinks they should get it cheaper.

And lastly,

6. Since when are you the person to tell someone they don't qualify for an in-store educational discount, especially after one e-mail?? This one I had to laugh at because you take a position of authority that isn't yours to take in the first place.

Look, I'm not trying to argue with you, I simply posted my opinions (everyone is entitiled to them) and told you "good luck" in my previous post, I'm sorry my opinion didn't match yours but if you just wanted someone to comfort you and agree with you then a forum is the wrong place to ask as you'll be open to even more opinions.

Just my 2 cents.

Your absolutely correct.


jasonbishop73 said:
My price is determined by what someone would go into the store and pay for my package, software and all.

Where is this store that sells computers, preloaded with software that's already registered to someone else? If you want to make a deal with me, I'll download $3000 worth of software from limewire and I'll only charge you $500 for the difference. ;)
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, MD
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 2.6ghz Quad Xeon, 23" Cinema
Yeah I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to sell software once you registered it.


Remember guys, arguing over the internet (let alone forums) is like running in the special olympics...even if you happen to win, you're still a retard. Just tell him to go screw himself, sense you obviously feel you're wasting your time, and don't reply anymore. I wouldn't buy this PB from you now, after this display of stubborn stupidity. Good luck with your sale.

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