Connecting to network- and that startup noise

Mar 9, 2007
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So those Mac ads are all about how much easier it is to do everything than on the PC, right? And yet, my problem is the exact opposite: trying to switch from a wireless connection to a cable modem connection is a gigantic pain in the *** on my new Macbook. It keeps telling me I need a password to do it. Can this possibly be true? And if so, why didn't I need one on a PC? And where do I find that password? If anyone has any advice, I'd be much obliged...

Also: I hear the mac startup noise three times in a row when I turn it on- one main one and then sort of two subsequent ones. That can't be right. Anyone know why this might be?
Jan 14, 2005
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Apparently your cable modem is WEP protected. It's weird your PC didn't need that, and I doubt what you say. Because once entered, you never have to enter it again and tend to forget about it.

Nevertheless, check the following options:

1. Is your Airport trying to connect to the correct network? Not the neighbours network or some open network in your area? Check this by clicking the Airport symbol, it will show you a list of networks it can connect to.

2. Does your cable modem have a We configuration interface? Ask your Internet provider or consult your modem's manual on how to set a password for it. There you can check whether the router really has a password or not.
Mar 4, 2007
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Newcastle, UK
Your Mac's Specs
White MacBook 2.0GHz CD | 2GB RAM | 80GB HDD | SuperDrive | iPod 3G 20GB
So those Mac ads are all about how much easier it is to do everything than on the PC, right? And yet, my problem is the exact opposite: trying to switch from a wireless connection to a cable modem connection is a gigantic pain in the *** on my new Macbook. It keeps telling me I need a password to do it.

I had the exact same problem setting up my macbook yesterday. I got sick of trying and just stuck the ethernet cable in. Connected through that i downloaded all the apple updates i could and guess what, the wireless network worked without asking for a password!

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