cant get pictures into I tunes

Mar 1, 2010
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Hiya, just got a mac and I wanna put some cds in there, with the art if poss, makes it a lot easier to tell which Twisted Disco album I am looking at, and so on.

Now I have managed to do a couple, in various cunning ways, but some, even new ones, wont allow me. When I go to a track and click info the Art tab is not highlighted so you cant add it.

Also, sometimes I do manage to change a folder appearance, but it happens hours after I do it! Is my mac a bit lazy and just does things when it wants to?


Hiya, just got a mac and I wanna put some cds in there, with the art if poss, makes it a lot easier to tell which Twisted Disco album I am looking at, and so on.

Now I have managed to do a couple, in various cunning ways, but some, even new ones, wont allow me. When I go to a track and click info the Art tab is not highlighted so you cant add it.

The only type of music files in iTunes I know of that can't have Artwork added to them are M3U and other sorts of "stream" files. This is because they are pointers to the real track, not the actual audio files themselves.

Adding artwork to a genuine MP3 or AAC track is pretty easy: get into on the file, click on the "artwork" tab, drag in the art file.

Also, sometimes I do manage to change a folder appearance, but it happens hours after I do it! Is my mac a bit lazy and just does things when it wants to?

No idea what you're talking about here.
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
See what you mean. Just had a look and the ones I cant change are wav and the others are some other format. I swapped to Wav after the first couple. Looks like thats it then, unless they change later.

What happens sometimes is that when I go to info and try to put a pic there, it installs a blank thing that says jpeg. Then several hours later a picture appears. Mybe sometimes it needs a reboot, I dunno.


See what you mean. Just had a look and the ones I cant change are wav and the others are some other format. I swapped to Wav after the first couple. Looks like thats it then, unless they change later.

Ah. I don't have any WAV files in my iTunes Library so I can't test this, but yeah as far as I know WAV (and perhaps AIFF) don't have any place to store the artwork *within the file* so you may not have the option. MP3 and AAC do.

What happens sometimes is that when I go to info and try to put a pic there, it installs a blank thing that says jpeg. Then several hours later a picture appears. Mybe sometimes it needs a reboot, I dunno.

Yes, that's probably what's happening there, specifically the Finder needs a refresh to adapt to the changed information. It should happen immediately but I have seen where it looks incorrect until a logout/login or reboot has happened.
Mar 1, 2010
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cheers. Think what I will do from now on is import them as AIF and that way I can manually put a pic on no problem. Sorted!

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