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Buying Advise



Hello all

I have a interest in purchasing a used
-G4 450 Dual,
-867MB RAM,
-80 GIG internal drive,
-Acard PCI Dual ATI card,
--two 80 gig drives to accard bus "a",
--two 120 gig drives to accard bus "b",
-upgraded Pioneer 107 DVD/DVD-WR/CD/CD-RW burner,
-as a addition i get the origional Int-DVD burner as well.
For Video=
-Radeon MAC Edition 128MB PCI video card
-Dr.Botts ADC adapter
-TWO 15" flat apple monitors, one using the DR.Botts adapter

What price would this set up be worth in (€) if not in ($$$$)
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
Aluminium Macbook 2.4 Ghz 4GB RAM, SSD 24" Samsung Display, iPhone 4, iPad 2
I dunno, the flat panels alone are probably worth around €300-400 each.

If I had to call it I'd say

€2000,- for the lot...

But haggle the seller down to €1700,-

By the way: 2x 80GB and 2x 120GB?

Are you sure about that? Seems kind of odd...


Aptmunich said:
I dunno, the flat panels alone are probably worth around €300-400 each.

If I had to call it I'd say

€2000,- for the lot...

But haggle the seller down to €1700,-

By the way: 2x 80GB and 2x 120GB?

Are you sure about that? Seems kind of odd...


There are 4 drives connected to the accard dual PCI/ATI card
two 75 gigs and two 120 gigs,
i just found out that that card supports up to 350gig or even 500 with new firmware upgrades from acard.

Also, if i wanted to just buy the computer or one screen etc, what prices wuld you say they go for each?, all these stuff comes with origional boxes like new btw.


I'm pretty sure Euros are worth more than dollars, and if you think the displays are worth 400 euros, you're wrong. I've seen them go for as little as $200 on ebay...but, hey that's just my two cents...also, it sounds like a kicking setup, just the processor seems kind of ****ty. the guy sounds like he bought everything possible before a CPU upgrade..i'd say take it and invest another $400-$600 on a 1ghz G4 upgrade!

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