I've just ordered a new iMac and it should be here within the next day or so.
The first thing I need to do when it arrives is transfer the data from my old Mac to the new one.
I was wondering, is it possible to transfer all my software without having to insert the disks and reinstall?
Also, is it possible to transfer my iTunes data (ratings and playcounts), and also my email history in MacMail?
My final question is whether Time Machine would be handy for this? Would I be able to connect the external HD I use for Time Machine into the new Mac and revert to a previous save, and if so, would this cause any problems (ie. overwriting some of the pre-installed files from the new Mac?
Thanks in advance.
I've just ordered a new iMac and it should be here within the next day or so.
The first thing I need to do when it arrives is transfer the data from my old Mac to the new one.
I was wondering, is it possible to transfer all my software without having to insert the disks and reinstall?
Also, is it possible to transfer my iTunes data (ratings and playcounts), and also my email history in MacMail?
My final question is whether Time Machine would be handy for this? Would I be able to connect the external HD I use for Time Machine into the new Mac and revert to a previous save, and if so, would this cause any problems (ie. overwriting some of the pre-installed files from the new Mac?
Thanks in advance.