Apple System Update - USB Keyboard/Mouse Problem

Jun 2, 2007
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Aaaargh. Please, can anyone help?

I have a MacPro running 10.4.9. I use the Apple keyboard that came with the 'Pro and a standard Microsoft 5button intellimouse, both over USB.

Today I allowed Apple Software Update Utility to install a couple of system updates (Security Update 24/5/07 and Security Update for Quicktime 29/5/07) and iTunes 7.2. All seemed fine, except that now, as I can't use the mouse and the keyboard only conveys non-alphanumeric input to my Mac, I can't login or use my machine :eek:

Sometimes the 'Find Bluetooth Mouse' utility starts up over the login prompt and bizarrely, I can sometimes dismiss it with an Apple-Q or Apple-W but thats as far as the keyboard will allow me to go.

Keyboard and mouse work fine on my powerbook (not upgraded with todays patches from apple) and other wintel machines. If i hold down 'Alt/Option' at startup i get to the boot system picker ok and in this mode the keyboard and mouse work as normal. However as soon as OS X kicks in the weirdness begins.

Some keys e.g. the CD eject button and also F12 do their job as normal, but the alphanumerics and Return key don't do a thing. I can start up with the Shift down to force a 'Safe Boot' (which i assume is what us old-timers called 'extensions off' back in the day) and it seems like the very first keyboard press is picked up by the OS ok (Alt or Shift at startup do what they normally do) but after this most input is rejected.

The mouse lights up when plugged into the USB socked on the 'Pro but dims from its initial brightness to a less powerful red light. It can't move the pointer at all.

I've tried zapping the PRAM and forcing a reset of the System Management Controller as per Apples support docs but nothing helps. I'd be eternally grateful for some suggestions for this as I can't get into my main workstation and have a client's deadline approaching fast.

Thanks in advance.

Aug 25, 2004
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New Zealand
Your Mac's Specs
13" MBA. 15" MBP. iPhone 4. 3G Pad 2.
User library > Preferences > Mouse plist. file.
Drag the plist file to the desktop, it may be corupted. A new one will be made. If all's OK trash the desktop copy.

Reinstalling the MS drivers for the mouse would be the next option.

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