Apple offers workaround for DHCP security issue

Jun 11, 2003
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Mount Vernon, WA
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MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2

Apple offers workaround for DHCP security issue
December 3, 2003 - 11:14 EST* Apple has posted a Knowledge Base document that offers details on how to avoid problems pertaining to the DHCP security vulnerability that was published last week. "In many cases, your Mac is protected from this kind of exploit because the malicious DHCP server has to be part of your local network, or 'subnet,'" notes Apple. "If your computers are the only ones on your local network and you have a broadband connection (DSL or cable service) with a Network Address Translation device -- such as an AirPort Base Station -- this exploit is not possible."

My Comments: Still not sure if I am vulnerable, but that's ok because Im not sure why people would want to hack my personal computer anyways :) Plus I have a couple firewalls in between me and the rest of the world..

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