2 questions about my macbook

Apr 12, 2007
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I have 2 questions about my macbook that i purchased in August.
Sorry if these questions are somewhat basic but I'm no computer expert by any means...

1. I notice that my macbook can be a little slow at times - loading programs and switching from application to application. I never upgraded the RAM when i bought the laptop. Would upgrading make a big noticeable difference in the speed so that these interruptions don't occur or does this occur on every machine regardless of the ram (ie is it the processor's doing?)....

2. Sometimes my mac won't wake up out of sleep when i try to wake it up - this doesn't occur every time and I think it's connected to my bluetooth mouse (when i have been using the bluetooth before it went to sleep is when it seems these problems occur) - is this a possibility?

Thanks for you help!
Jan 5, 2007
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Where the old Baker farm used to be.
Your Mac's Specs
Apple Black MacBook 2 GB RAM, 2.0 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo Proecessor, 120 GB HD. 30 GB Black iPod Video
I'll try to answer your questions.

1. Yes, if you only have 512 MB of RAM try upgrading to 1 GB and you'll see dramatic changes.

2. Although I've never had a problem with my MacBook coming out of sleep, I've read that simply closing the lid back down on it and letting it sit for about 30 seconds and reopening it will get it out of sleep.

Also, what are your Mac's specs (processor, memory, hard drive)?


Retired Staff
Dec 20, 2006
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Lake Mary, Florida
Your Mac's Specs
14" MacBook Pro M1 Pro, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD

I have 2 questions about my macbook that i purchased in August.
Sorry if these questions are somewhat basic but I'm no computer expert by any means...

1. I notice that my macbook can be a little slow at times - loading programs and switching from application to application. I never upgraded the RAM when i bought the laptop. Would upgrading make a big noticeable difference in the speed so that these interruptions don't occur or does this occur on every machine regardless of the ram (ie is it the processor's doing?)....

2. Sometimes my mac won't wake up out of sleep when i try to wake it up - this doesn't occur every time and I think it's connected to my bluetooth mouse (when i have been using the bluetooth before it went to sleep is when it seems these problems occur) - is this a possibility?

Thanks for you help!

1. If you have less than 1GB of RAM (some MacBooks came standard with 512MB), an upgrade to 1GB should speed things up nicely. Check Crucial for compatible upgrades. Also, if you've never run any kind of maintenance on your MacBook, it doesn't hurt to use a program like Onyx to do a little "spring cleaning". Although your Mac should pretty much maintain itself, by default those maintenance tasks happen in the early morning hours so as to not disrupt you. Since notebooks are rarely left turned on all the time, those tasks might not happen as they should - using a program like Onyx to force those tasks to run might help a bit with performance.

2. Weird power management issues can happen from time to time. First, make sure your MacBook's software and firmware are up to date by clicking on the Apple menu (upper left corner) and choosing Software Updates. If indeed it is up to date, you might try resetting the PRAM. This is done by pressing and hold Command-Option-P-R when you turn your machine on. Hold this combination until you hear three system chimes.

Just a few things to try, hope this helps.
Oct 17, 2006
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Southern California
Your Mac's Specs
Macky the 21.5'' iMac 2.7ghz i5 8GB, Mr. Pink 64GB iPhone 6, iPad Jr. 16GB Air 2, 13'' MBAir 1.6Ghz
My macbook acts alittle nutty as well when it comes to getting it out of sleep. But like TheCustomer99, I also usually have to close the lid and reopen it.
Apr 11, 2007
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Your Mac's Specs
iMac aluminum 2.0GHz Leopard
When you close the lid and it goes into sleep you will see a light at the front of the laptop next to the ir reciever wait for this like to start flashing well it will get bright then duller then brighter and so on..... once it starts to do that then if u lift up the screen it should wake from sleep if you do it before the light is flashing it doesnt wake.

also dont put magnets near the esc key because it puts your macbook into sleep lol mine did then seen the screen was magnetic on left side

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