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Why I like this forum

Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
I found macrumors.com after this site, yet found it to be not very inviting after the welcome of this place. Definitely a fine forum.


I've had some bad experiences in forums and I don't want to jinx myself right now out of this one but...

One thing is for sure: bad moderating will turn people away and/or bring in the wrong kind of members to join till it becomes h*ll for the good members that are left. That's why I deeply admire those who can staff a forum as big as this one and keep doing their job in a professional way. Need I say that moderating in most forums doesn't give a salary to anyone putting in the time and effort?

I've been on a forum staff and it is so hard a job to do. You can never please anyone in certain situations: not the members (who see you as only a police and god knows I'm not into policing!!!), not the boss and sometimes not even yourself. And that is an experience I never want to repeat for sure.

So hats off to the staff here: they are professionals, they are not biased and stick to well-defined guidelines. And hats off to Schweb for choosing the right folks to keep an eye on the place (I'm nearing 2,000 posts, we'll need to talk... KIDDING!!!) and for cutting loose those who didn't do a good job at one point anymore and became biased.

So yeah... Hope this post doesn't jinx me... :eek:
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Oakton, VA USA
Your Mac's Specs
White MacBook Intel C2D 2.2GHz, 2G, 250G, SD, Leopard.
It's funny. This particular discussion is "Anything Goes". I was on a forum (not a Mac forum) that held to the theme "anything goes", and about the only thing that wasn't acceptable was good moderation and civility. Naked aggression would best describe its more virulent members and moderators. Whenever I come to this particular discussion at M-F I grin at how good this "Anything Goes" is in contrast with the one of my former acquaintance.

This is a nice community. It is run well, the members are an enjoyable lot, and the forum content is quite good. I only hope I've been a good citizen here so far.

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