IMac default browser seems to be confused and uses the wrong favicon icon when saved to desktop.

Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada
Your Mac's Specs
2011 27" iMac, 1TB(partitioned) SSD, 20GB, OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan
I'm currently using a 2011 27" iMac running OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan Google Chrome is set to my default browser and I quite often select and drag a website favicon to my desktop while using Google Chrome. 90+ percent for future reference and access.

The fabric on works with Google Chrome and goes to the designated site as it supposed to, but most of the favicons I save this way have a Safari icon attached for some reason and I cannot discover why or if that's the way Apple intends it to be

I would assume that the saved favicon when using Google Chrome should show the Google Chrome icon or does Apple do things differently these days.

Is there some setting that I have overlooked somewhere but someone could tell me about. Everything works I just find the way it works to be rather annoying, and Safari alone has caused me all kinds of other annoyances over the years as well, if and when it actually works for me to access many Saints.

Thanks for any help or suggestions if there is any way to change it or is this just the new way?

- Patrick

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