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A few little presents

Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
NW Wiltshire England
Your Mac's Specs
Mid 2010 MBP 13, 8 gig mem, 2 int disks 500gig SSD, 1Tb SSHD . 2010 iMac, 8 gig, 2 Tb SSHD. iMac M1
As we are moving back to the U.K. fairly soon I thought that I would like to be able to give some of our freinds and neighbours a small gift? One of those friends gave me some wild cherry a while back and as it's such a lovely wood I thought that would be the ideal wood.

I was going to do 12 of them, but as one went BANG there are 11. As I went through the bottom of another there is now one of cherry/tulip tree too :Confused: I also decided to do a couple in that lot for us and the one with the center in it is one of them.

Cherry bowls 5 by John, on Flickr

Cherry bowls 4 by John, on Flickr

It's not difficult cutting a taper out of the center, turning a tapered plug and fitting it. Just a bit of care that I didn't do a repeat and go through again :eek:

Cherry bowls 3 by John, on Flickr

And the difference between the non spalted and spalted is incredible

Cherry bowls 2 by John, on Flickr

They are about 4 1/2 to 5" and the logs cut to length and then in 1/2 down the heart and mounted on a screw chuck to turn the base. Then re mounted on my O'Donnel jaws and the top turned. It's lovely wood to turn and takes a very nice finish. I still have a couple of the logs left and they will be cut to length and packed to bring back with us. Well! They are much too good to burn!


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Jan 23, 2008
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Keller, Texas
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2017 27" iMac, 10.5" iPad Pro, iPhone 8, iPhone 11, iPhone 12 Mini, Numerous iPods, Monterey
Very nice John. They will make lovely gifts for your neighbors. Why are you moving back to the UK John, I thought you liked living in France?
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
NW Wiltshire England
Your Mac's Specs
Mid 2010 MBP 13, 8 gig mem, 2 int disks 500gig SSD, 1Tb SSHD . 2010 iMac, 8 gig, 2 Tb SSHD. iMac M1
It was a difficult decision Chas, but we have been here for 13 years now and we are finding more dificult to keep up with the garden, 3150 m sq, 33906 sq feet. Big house too, 190 m sq. Family will be closer and all sorts of other things. I count it as a chapter and we are about to start a new one, hopefully in North Wiltshire.

We have really enjoyed our time and it will be a shame to leave so many lovely French, and British, friends. I have always said that the French, at least in this part, have to be amongst the friendliest people you could wish to meet. Until they get behing a steering wheel that is:Mischievous::Mischievous::Mischievous:

I have to admit that I will also be sad to give those dishes away. The cherry wood is really lovely, smells nice when being turned too.
Aug 2, 2011
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Tyneside, UK
Your Mac's Specs
MBP Retina mid 2015 15.4" 16GB 2.5 GHz OS Monterey; iPhone 12 128gb; iPad Mini 5, 64gb
They're lovely. Hope the resettlement goes well.
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
NW Wiltshire England
Your Mac's Specs
Mid 2010 MBP 13, 8 gig mem, 2 int disks 500gig SSD, 1Tb SSHD . 2010 iMac, 8 gig, 2 Tb SSHD. iMac M1
Thank you sue. At least we have sold our house and being France it takes 3 months for it to go through, but we have agreed to even longer to give our buyer chance to sell theirs. No problems with that though because if they did decide to back out they would be paying us a lot and vesides they really want the house!! It has been much more stressful going back than it ever was moving over and that was a surprise.

Still, as the French say 'say-la-veee' ;D ;D

At the moment I am giving myself another challenge. I am 'trying' to turn a ball in a cube! If it works it is a lovely thing :Cool::Cool:
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Your Mac's Specs
Air M2 ('22) OS 14.5; M3 iMac ('23) OS 14.5; iPad Pro; iPhone 14
As we are moving back to the U.K. fairly soon I thought that I would like to be able to give some of our freinds and neighbours a small gift? One of those friends gave me some wild cherry a while back and as it's such a lovely wood I thought that would be the ideal wood...........................

And the difference between the non spalted and spalted is incredible

Cherry bowls 2 by John, on Flickr

They are about 4 1/2 to 5" and the logs cut to length and then in 1/2 down the heart and mounted on a screw chuck to turn the base. Then re mounted on my O'Donnel jaws and the top turned. It's lovely wood to turn and takes a very nice finish. I still have a couple of the logs left and they will be cut to length and packed to bring back with us. Well! They are much too good to burn!

Hello John - congrats on your bowls - all look great! I particularly like 'infected' wood - beautiful job and sure all will be well received as gifts. For myself, I've been still doing some picture frames (buying occasional artworks and photographs while traveling the last few months) - mostly using QS white oak & spalted maple. Best of luck on your move back to the UK - assume that you'll be taking your tools along! :) Dave

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