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WTT: Black C2D MacBook for C2D MBP.

Feb 19, 2006
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook C2D 2 GHz 2 GB RAM 120 GB HD.
Hello everyone. I have a Black MacBook in perfect condition. Bought it over Christmas 2006. I treat this thing like my baby, however am starting to wish I went with the pro. Mainly due to the 15" matte screen and slightly increased performance for video & such. I am an Interactive Media Designer, so video, audio, and graphic I need to be doing with no worry and as much power as I can get. Don't get me wrong, this MacBook is excellent, I simply just want to upgrade.

Here are the details:

Black MacBook, 2 GHz C2D, 2 GBs RAM (Apple), Glossy Display, 120 GB HD, and overall, excellent condition.

Can provide all original packaging, manuals, discs, etc.

What I am looking for is a MacBook Pro 15" (Matte or Glossy I suppose), C2D machine. I am willing to trade + $$ or any other deal we might be able to work out.

Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
MBP 2.4/2GB/200HD/256 8600gt
PM sent.

oh i see your MB has 2gb ram. my pro does too, but its aftermarket. id like each of us to just keep our own ram if possible

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