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WTS: Macbook Pro 13inch mint condition

Sep 9, 2009
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Down Under :D
Your Mac's Specs
Back to my old 2.2GHz C2D MB after selling my MBP and wondering what my next Mac will be :)
The refurb is as good as new, and comes with full 12mth warranty, with the option to get the Applecare $249 bringing it to $1178.
I can't see why someone would purchase yours for only $78 less with less warranty period and less assurance such us knowing that it's been given the once over and all clear from Apple.
The other benefit of the Apple refurbs is that it's like a lucky dip, where in many cases, regardless of the specs on the refurbs site, they have been user upgraded (RAM, HD, installed software, etc.
Not trying to shatter your hopes of getting what you want, but you have to be realistic.
If you want to sell it, then you really have to reassess what it is that you expect to get for it vs what a buyer will be willing to pay.
Just because you think $1100 is a good deal, that doesn't make it a good deal.
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
13" MBP, 3GS & iPhone4 Factory Unlocked.
Well, if i had to pay $100 or even $200 for something that is brand new then i would buy that instead of refurbs.

Anyhow, as i said im not desperate to sell this thing, i love it. I also dont expect to sell it here but its always nice to put it up here than put it up on ebay and pay hundreds in fees.
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Down Under :D
Your Mac's Specs
Back to my old 2.2GHz C2D MB after selling my MBP and wondering what my next Mac will be :)
Well, if i had to pay $100 or even $200 for something that is brand new then i would buy that instead of refurbs.

Anyhow, as i said im not desperate to sell this thing, i love it. I also dont expect to sell it here but its always nice to put it up here than put it up on ebay and pay hundreds in fees.

With the refurbs from Apple, there is less chance of there being any manufacturers defects, as they have been thoroughly inspected, rather than just coming straight off the assembly line from the factory in China.
Anyway.... it all comes down to what makes the buyer feel better about their purchase.

Regardless, you have had many opinions, and they aren't really based on whether or not you are "desperate" to sell, but more so, suggesting that if you want to sell it, what you should be offering to the buyer, and what you should expect to get for it in return.

Just remember, that for $100 more than what you are asking, that a buyer can get a brand new 13" with a faster processor, more RAM, better battery life and a better graphics chip.
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
13" MBP, 3GS & iPhone4 Factory Unlocked.
maybe i forgot to add that i upgraded the ram to 4GB, i have applecare, bigger hard drive not 250gb, microsoft office 08. I dont know about the processor.

Configure - Apple Store (U.S.)

They will have to add $249.99 just for applecare which i already have. So there is no way that the buyer will be getting a better computer than mine, but yes ofcourse for $400 or $500 more they will. Oh well, ill try ebay and if it doesnt sell then it will go to somebody in the family as a gift ;)

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