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WTB: MBP (Open to any offers)

Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro, 2.5GHz C2D, 6 Gigs Ram (Yes) 320 7200 RPM..and much more!
Alright, well as the title states, I'm looking to purchase a MacBook Pro. I have a MacBook, an Imac, and some others, but I'm looking for a good backup laptop. I'm wanting a Macbook Pro, of course.

I see many on here for sale, It's just really hard to trust anybody, the deals seem to good to be true. But I'm open to any MacBook configuration. I'm wanting a 17" screen, but of course i'll take what I can get.

If anybody has anything for sale and they want to get in contact with me, I would appreciate it.

The only thing Is I'm in Iraq, I'm a DOD contractor, so I would want someone to send it over here for me. The price of doing that now is not to much, so hopefully someone will be able to do that.

PRICE IS NO OPTION!! Just please, I'm not stupid when it comes to prices and Macs, so don't try to get over on me.

If anybody has something for me, Email me please, it's a lot easier for me to check and get right back to someone..My email is [email protected]

Payment options could also be talked about whenever someone contacts me, I have many types of payment arrangements.

Thanks in advance, and hopefully someone can give me a good deal!
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
iBook G3 - You'll be missed.
Are you wanting a brand new one or a used one? I'm sure someone would be willing to purchase you one and send it if you're looking for a brand new one.
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro, 2.5GHz C2D, 6 Gigs Ram (Yes) 320 7200 RPM..and much more!
Are you wanting a brand new one or a used one? I'm sure someone would be willing to purchase you one and send it if you're looking for a brand new one.

Thats a good idea there man. But it really doesn't matter, like I said I just want it to use for my backup computer. I don't really know If I would trust someone completely though to send them a lot of money and buy me a new MacBook Pro lol. But thats a good thought though man.

I might have found exactly what I want for sale on here, so I'll let everyone know how that goes.
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro, 2.5GHz C2D, 6 Gigs Ram (Yes) 320 7200 RPM..and much more!
Well I don't need a MacBook anymore. I just ordered one of the Refurbished ones. The best thing about it was, I forgot I get a government discount of 17%. That, tacked on with the discount you get for it being refurbed, made my Pro so much cheaper!!

I ordered the 17" Hi-Res, 2.5 Ghz Model with the 250Gig HD and 2 gigs of ram, and of course the 512 version of the video card. So pretty much, it's the fully upgraded one you can get with the 2.5 Ghz processor, and including overnight shipping, and the charges for my APO shipment, the total came out to be a whopping $2,460.00.

I just wanted to share my good news with everyone. And if you work for the government, make sure you buy from the Apple store, huge discounts!!!!!
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
iBook G3 - You'll be missed.
Wow! Lucky!!! Congrats.

Wish I had the funds for one. You'll love it.

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