The mac 13
Since the imac were upgraded, when will b emac's turn? any idea?
schweb said:I'd be very surprised if Apple puts a G5 in an emac anytime in the near future. I personally think that the emac in it's current form is done with, if it's not just discontinues altogether.
trpnmonkey41 said:I was talking to a guy at an apple store and he says apple is trying to phase out the eMac so they won't be doing any more upgrades to them
Absolute Zero said:The eMac will be burnt with a flame-thrower, shot with an M-60, and toasted in Steve Job's toaster.
Oddly, his toaster is shaped like a cube...
ahahahahaBadger said:Mac Os Rumors (www.macosrumors.com) predicts that the eMac will be speed bumped, with more features and more graphics performance. IMO I don't see Apple dropping the only entry-level & education market machine that they have. To compete in those markets they would have to come up with a comparable machine at a similar price point. The current eMac can easily be updated.