sorry for the noob questions this is my first mac and i would just like to know whats the best twiiter client for mac and that is free.and is it safe to dowload?also how would i uninstal if i dont like thanks in advance .
I've just switched from using Tweetdeck that managed multiple accounts, Facebook and LinkinIn pretty well for Tweetie which I think looks fantastic, acts like a Mac app and the adverts in the free version aren't really that noticeable (you can register to buy the ad-free version).
They're are perfectly safe and if you don't like them just drag them from the applications folder to the bin!
Macs are safe to download anything ... even known Windows viruses (though of course this is not something you should do!).
On the iPhone, I think Tweetdeck is the best client, but on my Mac I used Fluid to make Hootsuite into an "app" (since they won't do it themselves!) and really, really love it.
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