A year ago I deleted iChat and switched to Adium. I also deleted Email because I didn't use email that much, and if I did I would just use Gmail.com
Well, now I want them back but I don't know where to download them or anything...they're not on apple website or anywhere else. I heard you can use the disk you load your comp in when you get it and just install the deleted applications, but I'm nervous about doing that, what if I loose everything? (pictures/music/work)
Any tips? Thanks in advance.
Well, now I want them back but I don't know where to download them or anything...they're not on apple website or anywhere else. I heard you can use the disk you load your comp in when you get it and just install the deleted applications, but I'm nervous about doing that, what if I loose everything? (pictures/music/work)
Any tips? Thanks in advance.