Hello .
Since i have installed mac os x.3 i can't capture via firewire. Every time i try it makes dropframe and finds timecode breaks in the film before stoping the capture.
I cant edit without firewire :_(
My computer is a power mac G4 733 (the grey one) 256 MB
And the camera is a canon XL1
I 've installed panther on an e-mac and same problem, in that case i reinstalled jagguar and now works, have i to do the same at mine's? I resist to believe that i could not have panther at home...
Thanx for your time , i wish can someone help me.
Since i have installed mac os x.3 i can't capture via firewire. Every time i try it makes dropframe and finds timecode breaks in the film before stoping the capture.
I cant edit without firewire :_(
My computer is a power mac G4 733 (the grey one) 256 MB
And the camera is a canon XL1
I 've installed panther on an e-mac and same problem, in that case i reinstalled jagguar and now works, have i to do the same at mine's? I resist to believe that i could not have panther at home...
Thanx for your time , i wish can someone help me.