User Host Directory Problems...

Jul 1, 2015
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Some backstory on the issue... I bought the Mac 2 years ago while working for a company, don't remember how, or why, but I made the login/user name for it as that name.

I later changed the login name, but it still showed up on many drives as that name, as well as the wifi networks I'm on. Now that I work with a different company, it constantly looks like a competitor is logged into their wifi.

I went on to google how to change host directories this morning... Seen a nifty video on exactly how to do it.

So I did just that, created a new admin user, logged in as it, changed the name of the other user directory folder. Then I proceeded to go back onto the main one, change the host directory location to the new name. Restarted, logged in as the original user, and boom, it was all there, under a new host directory.

I realized right away.. the files I wanted to save were in documents. But I was looking in documents on the OLD host directory still. So I just dragged that documents folder to favourites, and thought walla! Fixed.

Then I proceeded to delete the secondary admin user I created, and the corresponding directory. Before I knew it, the documents folder that I dragged in finder was GONE!

Now.. my issue is finding a way to retrieve 1 item from that user directory after it's been deleted...

I had created a .dmg file using disk utility that held personal as well as client info. It was a smaller 5GB encrypted disk image.

When I went to delete the user host directory, it only deleted a 55MB folder. Not 5GB. So essentially, I believe the disk image is still on my HDD somewhere, but I have no means to access it without the .dmg file.

Has this happened to anyone before? Is there a way to fix this?
I have ran a couple of recovery software programs that can't seem to give me a solid lead. They give me items that work, but they're incorrect items.

Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated!

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