Use free US iTunes card in UK?

Oct 4, 2014
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I have bought an I pad in the US which came with a free I tunes card. My device is registered in the uk so am unable to use this as it can only be used if the device is registered to a U.S. address. The local Apple shop suggested changing the registered address to a U.S. one and then downloading my choice of movies/music to use up the credit and then changing the registered address back to the UK one. Has anyone tried this before?
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I have bought an I pad in the US which came with a free I tunes card. My device is registered in the uk so am unable to use this as it can only be used if the device is registered to a U.S. address. The local Apple shop suggested changing the registered address to a U.S. one and then downloading my choice of movies/music to use up the credit and then changing the registered address back to the UK one. Has anyone tried this before?

No, this will not work.

If you travel to the US frequently, you can change to the US store, set up a completely separate US iTunes account using a friendly US address and email, say a friends, then you can use the US iTunes gift card.

BUT, every time there's an update for any app you bought, you'll have to sign out of the UK store and sign into the US store, then update, then sign out of the US and back to the UK store. It's really not worth the hassle. Sell the US gift card on Ebay to an American, or give it as a gift to someone there.
Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks Chas I was loath to try it and glad really you recommend not to! As you say not worth the hassle.thanks Helen

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