My friend linked me to a wreslting file he said he got off a forum (its legal it was on cable tv) and it was hosted by leech or something and when i clicked it my cursor turned to the beachball loading thing and continued then finder started going nuts bouncing in my dock then everything started locking up so i went to force quit and did that to eveyrthing untill i got to my finder which was blanked out in red (scary) I finally clicked relaunch on it and shut down and it booted up about 10 times slower than before... (like my airport card caused before) I have restarted and booted several times computer seems to be really messed up everytihg is slow I even let it rest for a little. People always say macs dont get virus's... I think I got one.
Im pulling a minute start up (timed) and 15 second shutdown (untimes guess)
Wasabout 30 and 7
Don't see how a stupid videofile (if it was a videofile others said they downloaded it and worked so I don't know) But somethings not right any suggestions, free software wise, any tips on scanning... anything?
I sure miss Restore from my old windows.... eek I miss something on Windows. Know I need pyschological help.
Im pulling a minute start up (timed) and 15 second shutdown (untimes guess)
Wasabout 30 and 7
Don't see how a stupid videofile (if it was a videofile others said they downloaded it and worked so I don't know) But somethings not right any suggestions, free software wise, any tips on scanning... anything?
I sure miss Restore from my old windows.... eek I miss something on Windows. Know I need pyschological help.