2 days of not sleeping. But really, its ridiculously hard to install. I only did it because I wanted to run Beryl.
After trying about 3 other different guides this is the one I found that worked best:
Dual Boot Ubuntu
I'd advise you not attempt it if you do not know anything about using commands in terminal. But if you do decide to try when you get to the part that says to type "sudo parted" in terminal, instead type "sudo parted /dev/sda" and another thing is ignore the % signs infront of the commands if it says to type "% sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu" only type "sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu" in terminal.
After you get ubuntu installed and the lilo booter configured you will restart and the rEFIt OS selecter will show up. Go to the partioning tool and sync the partitions. Then when you try to boot up in ubuntu you will get blank screen. Insert the Ubuntu install cd. then force shutdown the computer. restart it and while the disk is in the rEFIt OS selector will appear again. You will see three choices Mac OSX, Ubuntu, and Ubuntu CD select the middle one just Ubuntu and it will load up. After that it will you can eject the cd and you wont have the problem again. Once you get Ubuntu up and running it will ask you to install updates when you do and restart the computer you it Ubuntu wont boot up. Shut off the computer and boot Ubuntu from the cd when Ubuntu boots up from the cd you will have to Chroot your ubuntu partition again and run lilo. to do this you repeat the steps in the tutorial from where it says "sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu" until the part where it says to "sudo umount /mnt/ubuntu" after that just restart. the computer and ubuntu should start up again. if not reinsert the disc and boot up in ubuntu thats on your partion but with the ubuntu disk in the drive. Then it should be fine.
After that your going to run into these problems:
Your backlight control will not function, but there is a fix. I pieced mine together from various tutorials and finally got it working, even though im not quit sure how.
Putting the computer in suspend will not work but just type this in terminal to get it working: sudo ln -bs /bin/true /usr/sbin/laptop-detect
Your wireless will not work. Again I got mine working by pieceing lots of tutorials together. So when it comes to this google is your friend.
Your right click will not work. Again I'm not quite sure how I got it working but I did. Use google and search around for the solutions. Some work some dont. My lower enter key is my right click and my right command key is my middle click. This is if your using the trackpad. It works fine if your using an external mouse.
Scrolling with two fingers will not work. Still havent found a solution.
If this doesn't work for you you can try this tutorial but I personally havent tried it. Good Luck if you go for the install!