Hi, My very first post and my very first Mac. I was wondering are there any softwares like spybot - search & destroy. I love this program on my PC. Any help will be great.
trpnmonkey41 said:you will be pleased to know that it is unneccesary in OS X. When I made the switch in July I asked about the same thing since I used S&D and Ad-Aware on my PCS
sildenafil said:Thanks, but can you explain it to me why it is unneccesary in OS X?
Amen-Moses said:OSX is unix based and under unix it is extremely difficult for applications like web browsers to do anything nasty, thy can't for example go off and run code as the root user or make changes to system files in the same way they can (by design, thanks Bill) on PCs.
Under other unixes it is possible to have problems if you run the browser as root user, under OSX this is virtually impossible for the ordinary user to do so you are very safe. (you may notice that every now and then, like when installing upgrades, you are prompted for the admin password, even that isn't "root" in the normal sense, to get to be root user you have to purposefully go and do some black magic)
Make sure you have the firewall enabled and use Safari or Mozilla with Pop-Ups disabled and you should find painless surfing to be the norm rather than the exception.
Amen-Moses said:OSX is unix based and under unix it is extremely difficult for applications like web browsers to do anything nasty, thy can't for example go off and run code as the root user or make changes to system files in the same way they can (by design, thanks Bill) on PCs.
Under other unixes it is possible to have problems if you run the browser as root user, under OSX this is virtually impossible for the ordinary user to do so you are very safe. (you may notice that every now and then, like when installing upgrades, you are prompted for the admin password, even that isn't "root" in the normal sense, to get to be root user you have to purposefully go and do some black magic)
Make sure you have the firewall enabled and use Safari or Mozilla with Pop-Ups disabled and you should find painless surfing to be the norm rather than the exception.
shadov said:Unfortunately it isn't that simple.
Admin = root.
But there is a spyware detector for Mac. So there must be spyware. Right? The question is how much.Mr.Curlynose1 said:No spyware = No Spybot.
I agree that OS X is one of the most secure desktop operating systems out there. But no system is foolproof.Amen-Moses said:The protection under Mac OSX is as good or possibly slightly better tan that under other flavours of unix, basically the tip is don't run anything suspect as root user.
You can easily avoid spyware slowdown on Windows just by using a better browser and not installing crap from weird sites.trpnmonkey41 said:With a PC you notice everything slowing down and tons of crap in your internet browser.
Until I notice a slowdown or some solid proof of the spyware I am not too worried
shadov said:You can easily avoid spyware slowdown on Windows just by using a better browser and not installing crap from weird sites.
LOL. True. That's why I usually install the better browser (tm) myself when I have to build/fix a windows box for someone. And I usually put in Opera instead of Mozilla.StarManta said:Some people might consider mozilla.org a weird site, in which case those two goals are mutually exclusive.