As many of you of know I have had numerous problems with my powerbook. Its my second PowerBook and 3rd Apple Laptop in 1 month. My first the ibook was traded in week after I got it for powerbook. Second was 12 inch powerbook with all kinds of kernal panics. Now this one, it wobbles all the time and yes its on flat surface, it has been sent to Apple to be fixed since it wont sleep when lid was closed. It still doesnt work. It also came back with some minor nicks on bottom on laptop which makes me mad because I baby my laptop and expect it to come back in same condition. I have transfered all my files numerous times from laptop to laptop. My parents and me are getting really upset since they are driving me to Apple Store and to mail it away all the freaking time. They probably think Apple sucks now. I am just having totally bad luck with my first Apple. The dumb Apple Care people told me just send back again, i didnt tell them all the other problems just the sleep problem. I have posted a lot about these different issues because I am jost so darn mad. My comp teacher cant belive all the problems I am having having, he is MAC a NUT!! On top it all the ram I bidded on ebay and recived doesnt work so now I am dealing with the seller who is being very nice but its just another dumb thing to worry about. I really just think I should get another new powerbook but god with all these problems I really think I should get some special treatment to maybe try to restore some faith in me for Apple. Sorry for all the rambling but I just needed to vent! Please reply with some advice.