PPP003 error in MID 2014 MacbookPro's

Jan 30, 2015
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In last week i got my new and first macbook pro (mid 2014) i was really happy , after todays i ran the diagnostics test using ("d") on startup and after that checking i got the error "PPP003" i contacted apple care and they said it is manufacturing defect and i just returned the product , after that i reordered the product from different seller and got my laptop yesterday (mid 2014) macbook pro , and again i ran the test with the new hardware again i got the same error "PPP003" i really wondered , it is so weird that it only shows when my battery is charging , shows me "ADP000" No issues found when the battery is full and diagnosed , as it stated that it was fault from magsafe adapter i tried using my adapter in my late 2013 MBP but it showed me no error , both of my late and mid 2014 MPS's run 10.10 and only difference is it has diagnostic firmware(1.0.6) and mid 2014 has (1.0.11r2) , do you think it is a bug in firmware or else it is a hardware defect , my battery parameters got checked by apple care and turned out be working fine and no technical issues like lagging,battery heating,sudden discharge and charge etc

Please reply me ASAP
Feb 23, 2015
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Hello vinayraddi,

I just ran a Hardware Diagnostic over my mid 2014 MacBook Pro 13" Retina and got the same error message as you. The Mac is freshly bought around 3 weeks ago.
I use BatteryHelth from AppStore to keep an eye on my Mac's battery. I must say that it performs perfectly (holds around 9h life on single cycle/full charge).

I ran my diagnostics on ~70% while charging and did that 3 times, every time disconnecting the power adapter and reconnecting it again as advised at the end of each test.
I only did my test for sake of curiosity (**** me :p) and I must say that the whole Mac performs perfectly form the day one.

Hope that helps somehow.

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