ppc g5 shows up as pc server in shared list

Sep 11, 2008
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g5 showing up as pc server in shared list, cant connect
hey all having probs with file sharing at the mo. I have a g5 with os x 10.4.11 running on it and trying to acess files on it from my mac book with 10.5.4. When you look at the shared list in the finder window the g5 shows up as a pc server icon (beige monitor with the bsod on it), and when i try to manually try to connect to it (cmd k) get the following err msg;

The finder could not complete the operation because come data in "afp://g5.local"could not be read or written.
(error code -36)

looks like the prob is getting worse as i cant get the g5 to show or connect at all at the mo

connecting via a belkin wifi router, macbook via wifi, and the ppc g5 via e-net

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