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PowerMac G4 466 MHz w/ 17" CRT Monitor



PowerMac G4
• 466-Mhz PowerPc G4 Processor
• 1MB Backside level 2 cache
• 712MB PC133 SDRAM; three DIMM slots suppport up to 1.5GB
(999MB maximum per application in MacOS9)
• ATI Rage 128 Pro graphics card with 16MB of SDRAM graphics memory
• Apple Display connector and VGA connector
• 30GB 5400-rpm Ultra/66 hard disk drive
• 40GB 7200-rpm Ultra/66 hard disk drive
• CD-RW drive
• 3 5.5" hard disk drive bays (1 open)
• Five expansion slots (one AGP4X slot with graphics card installed; 4 64-bit 32MHz PCI slots)
• Two 400Mbps FireWire ports; 1 FireWire camcorder
• Two USB 12Mbps ports (plus one free on keyboard)
• 16-bit audio
• Built In 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet networking
• Internal 56k V.90 modem
• Apple Pro keyboard & optical mouse
• Mac OS9.2.2 (can supply Mac OS 10.2.3)
• 17" Apple Pro Studio Display, Natural Flat Diamondtron Picture Tube with 2 USB, 12-Mbps ports



We are located in Auckland, New Zealand and are happy to ship at the buyers expense.

Please contact JP @ BeyondDesign:
Email JP
+64 9 426 2077 (During wk hours only)
+64 21 361 622 (a/hrs only)


BeyondDesign said:
PowerMac G4
• 466-Mhz PowerPc G4 Processor
• 1MB Backside level 2 cache
• 712MB PC133 SDRAM; three DIMM slots suppport up to 1.5GB
(999MB maximum per application in MacOS9)
• ATI Rage 128 Pro graphics card with 16MB of SDRAM graphics memory
• Apple Display connector and VGA connector
• 30GB 5400-rpm Ultra/66 hard disk drive
• 40GB 7200-rpm Ultra/66 hard disk drive
• CD-RW drive
• 3 5.5" hard disk drive bays (1 open)
• Five expansion slots (one AGP4X slot with graphics card installed; 4 64-bit 32MHz PCI slots)
• Two 400Mbps FireWire ports; 1 FireWire camcorder
• Two USB 12Mbps ports (plus one free on keyboard)
• 16-bit audio
• Built In 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet networking
• Internal 56k V.90 modem
• Apple Pro keyboard & optical mouse
• Mac OS9.2.2 (can supply Mac OS 10.2.3)
• 17" Apple Pro Studio Display, Natural Flat Diamondtron Picture Tube with 2 USB, 12-Mbps ports



We are located in Auckland, New Zealand and are happy to ship at the buyers expense.

Please contact JP @ BeyondDesign:
Email JP
+64 9 426 2077 (During wk hours only)
+64 21 361 622 (a/hrs only)

How much is that in USD
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
Not worth it. Ide give ya, 400-500$ for it. Considering an eMac is 799$ and would blow that thing out of the water even with the stock hardware. **** if your going to shell out that much $ just add like 200$ more and get a G5!


US enquiries on a NZ Mac?

Graphite said:
Not worth it. Ide give ya, 400-500$ for it. Considering an eMac is 799$ and would blow that thing out of the water even with the stock hardware. **** if your going to shell out that much $ just add like 200$ more and get a G5!

No joke its not worth me selling it to anyone in the US... the price of Macs in the states are much much much cheaper!!
We just bought a 1.42GHz twin processor G4 with 1024MB Ram and a 120GB h/d for $6000 NZD.

Not to mention youd have to do something about the power supply as we run on 240V here (although some of the machines have switches on the back).

besides the freight to the US would be horrendous!

Kind Regards,
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
Eh there are converters you can buy at any store...
You should buy it in the US then ship it to yourself.


y would I want to buy a converter and ship it to myself if it runs fine here? whats the point in that?

Is there anyone on here thats not going to waste my time and is generally interested in the machine I have for sale and preferably within the southern hemisphere?? IF not then I will take my business elsewhere.


BeyondDesign said:
y would I want to buy a converter and ship it to myself if it runs fine here? whats the point in that?

Is there anyone on here thats not going to waste my time and is generally interested in the machine I have for sale and preferably within the southern hemisphere?? IF not then I will take my business elsewhere.

I would be interested, but unfortunately im in the US, as are most who inhabit these boards. I dont think there are many on these forums in the South Pacific.


hokiethang said:
I would be interested, but unfortunately im in the US, as are most who inhabit these boards. I dont think there are many on these forums in the South Pacific.
Well thank you. But in all honesty you can get them much cheaper where you are, in fact im looking at buying my G5 in the US and bringing it back here as the prices are bloody high.
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
I am sorry pal, I didnt mean to ruffle your feathers, when I said buy a computer in the US and mail it to you, It WAS to SAVE YOU money. Not to irritate you.


Sorry it sounded like you were saying to buy the converter. Anyway thanks for clearing it up.

I think i need to market the machine in a more local enviroment, its not financialy worth it to anyone buying it from the states and having me ship it over.

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