but received a message stating that "Safari can't find the server". The link that was suggested was:
You "may" have a sophisticated adware/malware. Antivirus programs probably wouldn't find this - they haven't in the past.
Have you updated your OS X recently? Please tell us exactly what version you're on. Apple has included some new adware/malware protection (definitions) in the last month. One "feature" of the malware is that it blocks Apple updates by the simple mechanism of modifying the /etc/hosts file.
To check this please open the Terminal Utility and type:
more /etc/hosts (& RETURN)
This command displays the text of the hosts file. If there's more than one page worth, you can see the rest by pressing the space bar. (press q to quit/exit)
Look for: swscan.apple.com
It shouldn't be there.
And tell us any other lines that have in them.
( localhost is the Only normal one)