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Panasonic NV-GS27EB camcorder for sale - 3 days old!!

Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys!. Talk about an impulse purchase :(. Bought myself a Panasonic NV-GS27EB miniDV camcorder 3 days ago - I thought I'd try my hand at editing, as I have a close friend willing to pay me, to edit the footage he shoots. However, I have played around and experimented galore, and to be honest with you, it's just not my scene - I'm no Steven Spielberg, nor will I ever be - I'm a computer geek. Period.

Based upon this irrational impulse buy, I am selling this camcorder, complete with miniDV tapes (SONY - 3x) firewire cable, and the full retail kit, boxed as new. This is three days old, and as such there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, and no signs of usage whatsoever, except from the opened box.

It's a lovely machine, I just fear that I shall use it rarely, if ever, based upon my ability to be able to create interesting footage (ZERO!!). I want to sell this item to *UK* buyers only, and I shall include P&P free of charge, to the buyer, as long as you are within the UK.

For this little lot, I payed £170.00 all in, but I am simply asking for £130.00, as it has been used, but not abused. Please do let me know. Many thanks chaps - have a great day/night.

Sep 13, 2006
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Your Mac's Specs
If it's only 3 days old... Can you not return it???
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
Most stores (in the States anyway) have a 5 or 10 or 30 or 90 day, "No Questions Asked" return policy, so if a customer is not satisfied with the product he/she can return the item for a refund.

Just thought it might save you some money.
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Most stores (in the States anyway) have a 5 or 10 or 30 or 90 day, "No Questions Asked" return policy, so if a customer is not satisfied with the product he/she can return the item for a refund.

Just thought it might save you some money.

Currys UK are a complete pain when it comes to refunds dude. I am selling for cash, because I want to avoid the stupid patronising questions they beam in your direction, when asking for such a refund. Besides, it isn't faulty, and I would only be able to return it if *UNUSED* or faulty, and evidently I wouldn't sell a faulty device.

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