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Original iPod

Nov 12, 2011
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Your Mac's Specs
MBA 2020 Ventura 13.6 M1 chip 251GB; iPhone SE 3rd gen 128GB; iPad 9, 64GB; MacBook Air 2020
I have the first iPod - the big beige one. Before I go through the hassle of wiping it, I wonder if anyone would be interested in it, and at what price?


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Staff member
Jul 17, 2009
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Your Mac's Specs
2022 Mac Studio M1 Max, 2023 M2 MBA
Do you have all the cables for it and have you tried connecting it to a recent Mac to have it be recognized and usable?
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
MBA 2020 Ventura 13.6 M1 chip 251GB; iPhone SE 3rd gen 128GB; iPad 9, 64GB; MacBook Air 2020
Do you have all the cables for it and have you tried connecting it to a recent Mac to have it be recognized and usable?
Haven't done anything with it, because if no one wants it, I'm not going to bother!
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada
Your Mac's Specs
2011 27" iMac, 1TB(partitioned) SSD, 20GB, OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan
Haven't done anything with it, because if no one wants it, I'm not going to bother!

I'm guessing that you will have to do a bunch of Google searching on the web to see if anyone is interested but I'll take a bet that the first question they'll want to know if anyone is actually remotely interested as if they device is actually working?

So you may have to bother after all in order to answer their question. 😉

Also do you have the original package it came in and all cables has already mentioned as that is how collectors seem to want to have things all together unless it's a giveaway.

- Patrick
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
MBA 2020 Ventura 13.6 M1 chip 251GB; iPhone SE 3rd gen 128GB; iPad 9, 64GB; MacBook Air 2020
I'm guessing that you will have to do a bunch of Google searching on the web to see if anyone is interested but I'll take a bet that the first question they'll want to know if anyone is actually remotely interested as if they device is actually working?

So you may have to bother after all in order to answer their question. 😉

Also do you have the original package it came in and all cables has already mentioned as that is how collectors seem to want to have things all together unless it's a giveaway.

- Patrick
Thank you Patrick - that does answer my question. I was going to give it away to you helpful folks here unless it had some ridiculous $$ value to a collector, but I don't have the packaging nor the cables and would have to buy cables to wipe the thing. At the moment that's too much trouble; lots going on. Maybe next year
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada
Your Mac's Specs
2011 27" iMac, 1TB(partitioned) SSD, 20GB, OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan
At the moment that's too much trouble; lots going on. Maybe next year

A quick Google search gives one a pretty good indication of the current state and prices of various iPod models:

And focusing on the eBay sales Link shows all kinds of models and a huge range of prices:

But the shirt said that eBay sites on completed items gives a realistic story of what actually sold and the details of the products and the condition:

If you want to give it a good home, do a search for a Macintosh users group in your area and I'm sure they could help you out and even help you with any cables needed.
I don't know if it's still exists but Apple used to keep a list of user groups (MUGS), at least for North America but I don't know if it's still exists.

It seems you could try these sites in order to contact an Apple user group in your area:

- Patrick
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