Networking Mac to PC and vise versa



I've followed the steps at this page, and I am running to serious problems. (again)

joelshoemaker (outdated link removed)

I'm about ready to throw in the towel with my networking attemps.

As the administrator, I can't set my user status to log in from the web. This feature is eliminated. If I try to make a new user, I can log in as that user to my Mac from my PC. The problem...

When I drag files across the network to the Mac, they're in the user#2 folder. Logged in as me, I can't access them do to permission issues.

All I would like to do is share files across the network. I want my Mac to be able to see certain folders on my PC, and my PC to be able to see certain folders on my Mac.

This has to be possible ?


Eyenovation said:
I've followed the steps at this page, and I am running to serious problems. (again)

joelshoemaker (outdated link removed)

I'm about ready to throw in the towel with my networking attemps.

As the administrator, I can't set my user status to log in from the web. This feature is eliminated. If I try to make a new user, I can log in as that user to my Mac from my PC. The problem...

When I drag files across the network to the Mac, they're in the user#2 folder. Logged in as me, I can't access them do to permission issues.

All I would like to do is share files across the network. I want my Mac to be able to see certain folders on my PC, and my PC to be able to see certain folders on my Mac.

This has to be possible ?

yes it is possible, i have 2 windows machines and 2 linux machines all conversing happily with my mac. Are you logged in as "Administrator" or are you using an account with administrator privledges. If you are using an account with admin privledges it should be fine, but Administrator might be a bit of a stretch. It may be easier to use the mac for all file transfers, because the mac has fewer problems talking to a windows machine than vice versa. I usually use my mac to copy stuff to and from my pc, but i will do a bit of researching and see what i can come up with.


Thank you very much for replying. It's people like you who help to keep me sane. I am logged into the Mac as the administrator. What I'm really after is an easy way to send files to the PC for redundancy back up purposes.

Also, I'd like to send files from the PC to the Mac.

How can I do this?
If I have to create a separate account on the Mac (that is not the administrator), then how would I access the files?

If it's easier to use the Mac for file transfers, how would I access the folders on my Win2K machine?

Thanks for any help.


Eyenovation said:
Thank you very much for replying. It's people like you who help to keep me sane. I am logged into the Mac as the administrator. What I'm really after is an easy way to send files to the PC for redundancy back up purposes.

Also, I'd like to send files from the PC to the Mac.

How can I do this?
If I have to create a separate account on the Mac (that is not the administrator), then how would I access the files?

If it's easier to use the Mac for file transfers, how would I access the folders on my Win2K machine?

Thanks for any help.

It is usually a better idea to be logged in as a regular user with administrator access through sudo, instead of using Administrator. This can be setup by creating a user in the Accounts pane of the system preferences and allowing the user admin privledges.

if it just a few files you would like to move from your pc to the mac, you can use ssh and sftp to move them across. I havent had any experience with windows file sharing, and connecting my PC to my mac. If you are using Windows File Sharing you should be able to log into the machine with the username and password of the user you have created and will be using.

Accessing the folders on the windows 2k machine is pretty simple. Share the folders on the windows machine that you want to use on your mac. Then in the finder you will need to click on go, and then select connect to server. Put in the address of the windows 2k machine and it should ask you for a username and a password, which would be the username and password that the win2k machine logs in with. After that authenticates it should give you a listing of all of the available shares on the machine. Select the share you want, and voila, an alias is put onto your desktop and you should be able to access the machine.

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