I've followed the steps at this page, and I am running to serious problems. (again)
joelshoemaker (outdated link removed)
I'm about ready to throw in the towel with my networking attemps.
As the administrator, I can't set my user status to log in from the web. This feature is eliminated. If I try to make a new user, I can log in as that user to my Mac from my PC. The problem...
When I drag files across the network to the Mac, they're in the user#2 folder. Logged in as me, I can't access them do to permission issues.
All I would like to do is share files across the network. I want my Mac to be able to see certain folders on my PC, and my PC to be able to see certain folders on my Mac.
This has to be possible ?
joelshoemaker (outdated link removed)
I'm about ready to throw in the towel with my networking attemps.
As the administrator, I can't set my user status to log in from the web. This feature is eliminated. If I try to make a new user, I can log in as that user to my Mac from my PC. The problem...
When I drag files across the network to the Mac, they're in the user#2 folder. Logged in as me, I can't access them do to permission issues.
All I would like to do is share files across the network. I want my Mac to be able to see certain folders on my PC, and my PC to be able to see certain folders on my Mac.
This has to be possible ?